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Messages - The True Inferno

Pages: [1]
Team Fortress 2 / Re: Don't like some maps running on hale server?
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:42:09 pm »
PALANQUIN SHIP please! everyone hates it for the 2fps we get on it!

Not everyone hates the map, for example me, and if your lagging a lot on the map, simply turn of weather effects in advanced options.

Dis be a topic on nerfs, buffs and reintroductions of Hales that the community would like to suggest.

For me, a few things I would like to see are:

Health reduction(per player) for some of the new Hales(Such as pedobear) and Bonk boy

Reintroduction of Demopan(WHY U REMOVE HIM?) Blitzkreig(At the point where you could still revive people, as this, and many other factors, made him insanely fun to vs and play as) and some of the older Hales like the astroid robots, the Rock and fem hales

The rotation of some of hale into the FF2 server from the Hale testing weekend such as scp 173, that pirate dude (Yar har fiddly dee) and Donkey Kong

A fix for the Sonic duo

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