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Messages - Bell

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General Chat / Valve and it's new hardware
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:59:13 pm »
As a side note I am now living in the UK :P

General Chat / Valve and it's new hardware
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:54:49 pm »
Quote from: Plasma;1532674
So Valve is just trying to use it to pry devs away from directx and a majority of gamers will continue to use Windows as it offers best of both worlds with directx and opengl support.

I don't really have that much to add I think the above sums up what Valve is doing and what will happen in the near term.
But I admire the effort, I think we would all be better off having openGL as the standard it's pretty fucked we all need to use windows just because the underlying graphics libs are owned by one company.
Since everything is now using standard pc architecture there really isn't much difference between a phone, a computer or a console. So if all games were based the same open gfx standards, porting would be fucking easy, development costs would be lower and shit would get done quicker.  Your favourite games would be playable on any of your devices assuming they had the processing power to support it.

So go Valve.

Battlefield / BF4 Beta Preload ready
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:52:50 am »
played bf4 yesterday was on xbox one  though  so seemed a bit meh

Quote from: Bounty Hunter;1531446
Oh fuck yes, I can't wait to destroy apple fuckwits by asking "so what does 64 bit do?"

64 is twice as much as 32 so the iPhone will be twice as fast!!

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:44:35 pm »
5loth: I definitely didn't play until the end mostly due to being completely turned off the airgame which wasn't apparently fixed for a very long time.
So i'll will take your word for it, in my time there was no difference between average and good because the aircraft were so poorly matched, you had to be shit to lose 1v1 in a J10 vs F35.
And what did they do about the air to ground balance in the later patch?

I also agree aircraft should be the most powerful when used well but that power should be based on their ability to strike a very important enemy target such as armour or a heli at the right time, not by racking up a stupid KDR against infantry and light vehicles.

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:24:59 pm »
Never discuss a topic with someone with the maturity of a 8 year old I guess.

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:36:05 pm »
How long did you have to play BF2 to know how to the use the jets? was playing from onwards from the demo for over a year not long enough?
When was the amazing patch that fixed jets released? after the game was already dead?

All I remember from BF2 was that everyone flew J10's unopposed and strafed AA emplacements with fucking guns at super low altitude.
I also remember that to kill the most "powerful" AA units all one had to do was press the flare button once and release bombs in the general direction of the giant square pointing out there is a unit there. Because not knowing where AA fire is coming from would be mean to the pilots right?
Saying bf2 flying took brains is a joke, you just had to learn a few simple rules.

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:45:00 pm »
Quote from: The Demon Lord;1531106
Actually - the 2-3 things that would help balance Jets IMO:

1: have RPG projectiles travel at higher velocities - you remember in BC2 when they over buffed the speed of the homing dart gun and the chopper pilots couldn't dodge the dart at all - something like that, the only problem is that choppers would be torn to shreds
2: Make jets vulnerable to small arms fire (rifle and above) doesn't have to be massively - but certainly most jets don't like small arms IRL (except for the A10) and if an inf player was able to give a jet a bloody nose whilst it was strafing - would certainly help
3: Proper Stall mechanics, meaning if a jet tried to pitch up sharply whilst travelling slowly, it would instead stall into the ground (this would be similar to your idea of increasing the min speed)

Honestly to balance them they need to make them sort of unrealistic and less powerful than in real life, remove any air-2-ground lock-on abilities and make them have to use dumb bombs that need to directly hit an armored target to kill it. Then make AA cannons quite powerful and long range so that AA gunners will skill can take down pilots who get close to them.
Then we will see a nice balance of aircraft keeping away from AA units unless directly engaging them and the aircraft would have to stay higher to stay out of AA Cannon range.
But I think EA wants Jets to be easy and cool so that noobs can get afew kills in them, if they made the changes i'm suggesting AA units would dominate noobs and noobs would complain about jets being useless.
Unfortunately because jets are a specialised skillset and a unit that is probably the most powerful trying to strike a balance between easy/fun to use and not dominating is next to impossible.

An old BFV mod almost had it perfect, the planes were so hard to 'own' with that noobs would actually flock to the AA vehicles to get a good score and leave the jets on the runway, there was a lot of complaining about how shit the jets were but good pilots could still get high scores. The difference was every kill they got was on an enemy heli or an armored unit since attacking infantry was just too risky since flying low was a death sentence.
I don't have any hope BF will ever have good airplanes again because of the console crowd.

I could talk about this all day since i've thought about this a lot but I'll leave it at that.

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:37:32 pm »
Quote from: ~SoL1D_Sn4Ke~;1531119
bf2 jets were balanced well with bf3 they changed it so that any kid can fly. jets had speed, stall, damaged easily and had to use some real skill to be good..not to forget the epic dogfights against pro pilots unlike in bf3 its who can circle the best.

Completely disagree, bf2 jets were completely unbalanced, you forgot about J10 already?
The BF2 jets were also completely unbalanced vs ground units, the air units just raped without even trying all you needed to be able to do was drop a flare when you heard a beep.

General Chat / Rome 2 Total War
« on: September 06, 2013, 12:29:45 am »

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:15:59 pm »
Quote from: ~SoL1D_Sn4Ke~;1530818
these jets turn like toy planes they fkd up the manuvering, way too arcadish

Well considering BF vehicles are pretty arcade I don't see the issue as-long as they are actually a challenge to be good in and balanced vs each other, which has never really happened as far as jets are concerned in a BF game.

General Chat / Madness: King chicken lays monster egg.
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:07:06 pm »
Well this thread makes it plainly obvious we are all getting very old.

General Chat / Japan World Cup 3
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:16:43 pm »
Equally awesome, its just a series cartoons on a dvd not really a 'game'.
But holy shit its good.

General Chat / Rome 2 Total War
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:54:21 pm »
For sures, total war is fucking awesome. I only wish I got to work on one of them :(

Battlefield / 120 Hours double XP
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:26:58 am »

Battlefield / BF4 Multiplayer trailer :)
« on: August 21, 2013, 06:04:56 pm »
That's a sweet trailer, i'll give them that.

Technology & Hardware / Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad?
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:53:33 pm »
I'm bored so i'm 'tiwaking' this.

Quote from: Bell;1360658
In 5 years we will all still be typing input with tactile keyboards not touch screens and so I'll still be using a laptop of some form.
I'll prob have a collection of e-books on some form of e-ink reader tho.

It hasn't been 5 years but its been 2 so where are we at now, what type of devices GetSome peeps currently using?
I have exceeded Past-Bell's expectations by ending up a with a fuckload of laptops and pretty much soley relying on a kindle for books.

Here is my inventory:
Galaxy Note
17.3 inch gaming laptop.
10inch travel laptop.
14inch linux laptop for work
13inch macbook with broken keyboard that I picked up for nothing for some apple dev.

No desktop, no TV, no tablet.

why don't you guys just marry America if you love it so much.

that shit's a total scam and should be regulated.
I've had something similar happen to me, got all angry at them and they got rid of most of the charge.

General Chat / Spacemonkey's Space thread about Space stuff.
« on: August 13, 2013, 12:54:23 am »
I have no idea what most of this means but it sounds awesome and I want one.

General Chat / Guinness World Record Attempt.
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:38:21 am »
Fantastic I like this new plan so much more, you are going to be remote as fuck for the majority of it and the charity aspect is also a great addition.

General Chat / Ware whare dorrah cute pet draw
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:54:09 pm »
That ain't shit you want a Georgian Shepard dog.

First one of these I met was a guard-dog at a winery I was visiting it was holy shit big.

General Chat / Ware whare dorrah cute pet draw
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:11:34 am »
A Warehouse Facebook photo competition.
Makes me wanna buy thousands of facebook accounts and setup a script to ruin all of these comps with the worst entries possible.

Get Some Game Servers / s8 glowing monkey, failed admin
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:21:36 am »
Maybe he's your son bro.

Get Some Game Servers / s8 glowing monkey, failed admin
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:21:54 am »
Maybe he's your son bro.

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