Get Some

Games => Get Some Game Servers => Server Bans & Complaints => Topic started by: (NATAA)$ Top Geary on January 06, 2015, 08:48:04 pm

Title: general speedymcdragon google god's mass rdm
Post by: (NATAA)$ Top Geary on January 06, 2015, 08:48:04 pm
Hi I'm terribly sorry that I could not get a video on this but on Tuesday the 6th of January at about 6:35- 6:40pm general speedymcdragon google god created a mass rdm on rounds 5 and 9. On round 5 I saw him kill at least 2 detectives so I thought he wan a t then he killed Ian as a zombie and it turned out that he was innocent. That was the round that I joined so I could not have a recording then. On the next 2 rounds I died early on purpose so I could record him doing more rdms which he didn't but on the 9th round I think or the 8th but probably the 9th he killed about 2-3 traitors for no reason. This was probably meta-gaming but I don't know. Please could you deal with this as it ruins the game for people who want to play it and seeing it was the 1st time I've played here since getting back from my trip.
Yours sincerely (NATAA)$ Top Geary