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Show Topics - FantaHasSkill

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Server Bans & Complaints / Banned from TF2 #02 TRADE MINECRAFT
« on: January 15, 2017, 03:44:34 pm »
Bans : Fanta (
          Phoon (

i was playing on an alternate account (phoon) that i had made to purchase Counter Strike Global Offensive that i had hacked on once in an empty server (not get some) to prank a friend.(hacks deleted) I was playing on the trade server to put hours on tf2 so it didn't look like i was hacking because i have 703 hours on my main. on 15/1/2017 around 3:00 the server stopped responding and i reconnected only to freeze and be told that i have been banned by the server. i tried refreshing in case it was somehow i miss-click by an admin or something but the ban stayed i decided to sign out and connect onto my main. (Fanta)  This account was banned to. im pretty sure this is an IP ban, and im sure i wasn't hacking. the only way i could some how get tangled up with suspicion is the fact that i had bound my scroll wheel to jump (bind MWHEELUP +jump   bind MWHEELDOWN +jump) making me bhop when spammed.

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