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Messages - TwShadowNinja

Pages: [1]
Garrys Mod / GMOD ADMIN APPLICATION: TwShadowNinja
« on: September 05, 2017, 08:35:15 pm »

Server Bans & Complaints / Molikot Gagging and mic spam.
« on: May 21, 2016, 08:18:16 pm »
Hello everyone.

I have been playing on get some recently and have noticed a whole lot more gag's going around
Most of them are just for the usual mic spamming person or really loud music but this time its been quite different.
Almost every single gag is coming from the player known by Molikot. He is randomly Muting people for no apparent reason sometimes saying things like " Stop using that voice it sounds awful" or saying they are to loud and he cant hear other people. He then usually proceeds to keep talking on the mic and then will leave the server without ungagging the people he previously gagged. Also he has been abusing the !bring command to bring me outside of maps FOR NO REASON. He also has said the forbidden word at me several times when no other moderators are on. The thing that annoy's me the most though is he is being bais't towards other people and then hating on people he doesnt like with !gag. About 5 minutes ago (Im writing this at 8:10 NZ time ) Bushy brows joined the server
He then said and I quote "how about I abuse the fuck out of bushy" Nah I shouldn't do that because otherwise she will get pissed again and report me". He has literally sweared at me for arguing with him before, this was when when no senior mods were on. Then he proceeded to lie and say he had never done it when moderators joined! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Sorry for the grammatical mistakes and spelling error's I am angry at the time of writing this and my thoughts are all over the place

Please could you look into this.

Thank you - Shadow

Garrys Mod / Re: Getsome Trash Compactor server
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:45:56 pm »
I created an account on getsome just so I could post about this! IT MUST BE DONE!

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