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General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:29:50 pm »
Just read a article about the decriminalisation of Marijuana in the US.

I believe that managing the social problems that will arise from decriminalisation or legalisation will likely be easier and cheaper than managing the prohibition. Plus I don't think there is any real reason to have it banned in the first place. Chances are if you want to smoke it then you are already, and therefore prohibition has failed.

Lets put it to the vote.

For those not understanding the difference see below
Quote from: BeNZene;1480525
Decriminalising would make possession a bit like no wearing a seatbelt - a small infringement offence (say $100 fine), with no conviction.  Not legal, but not a crime either.

Legalising would make it like tobacco or alcohol or caffeine.

If you are not interested in Geology or asteroidal impacts and their relation to super volcanoes then this thread is not for you.

I have a hypothesis about why super volcanoes, and potentially why other volcanoes exist.

I have called this the Asteroidal Impact Coaxial Volcanic Projection hypothesis (AICVP hypothesis).

I was reading a book, A Brief History of Everything, the book suggested that no one really knew why Super Volcanoes exist where they do or why they form. Perhaps I should say no satisfactory theories. I found this incredibly hard to believe, the answer was pretty glaringly obvious to me.

Impacts on the planet surface transfer force through the Earth's viscous interior and displace magma which is projected to the opposite side of the planet from the point of impact.

A sufficiently massive enough impact could displace enough of the viscous interior to produce a "bubble" of force that could take thousands of years to travel through the planets interior and bubble out the opposite side.

Now as impacts are not always "dead on" the bulge on the opposite side of the planet will depend in the angle of impact. Even a direct hit will unlikely cause a bulge on the exact opposite side as the planet has rotational motion and the coaxial impact/projection should be skewed in accordance with the that rotation.


I started by looking on Google earth, found Yellow Stone and then used a plugin to go to the exact opposite side of the planet. Guess what? Impact crater in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Somehow the crator got mis-labelled   by Google after some crator that exists on Mars. Unsure of whether this was actually a crater at all I decided to look elsewhere.

So I thought of Olympus Mons, biggest volcano in the Solar System. And surfed to Google Mars. After some measuring I found that on the opposite side of Olmypus Mons is one of the largest Impact craters in the solar system. Excellent, this did not disprove the hypothesis.

Most of the criticism I received about this hypothesis have been related to the relative viscosity of the Earth's interior. Most have suggested that the Earth is just not viscous enough to allow that magnitude of energy transfer through it's core/mantle. But this is an uneducated opinion I think. Geologists have been well aware for a very long time that the core/mantle have qualities that suggest they are more liquid than a solid. I believe that part of seismological analysis used to locate the depth and location of earthquakes relies on the fact that shock waves from these events ripple through the Earth's Interior (citation needed).

Just the other day I read an article posted to Slashdot, about how "How Earth Resembles a Gooey Confection", ref:

If the interior of the Earth is gooey than the transfer of impact energies to the opposite side of the planet has much more credibility.

This hypothesis does not mean to imply that asteroidal impacts are the only cause of volcanoes, It just suggests that this is one possible cause.

If you have any constructive arguments for or against then please post.

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