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General => General Chat => Topic started by: The Demon Lord on January 22, 2013, 06:27:55 pm

Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on January 22, 2013, 06:27:55 pm
Normally I don't care about the News, half of it is crap I don't care about, the other half is crap I have no control over and thus don't care about.



I could write an entire page of derogatory and insulting remarks about this person. But I shall restrain.

I love my cat - woe betide anyone who would take my cat from me.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 22, 2013, 06:29:44 pm
This guy is hilarious.

Yes they are nature's adorable little murder machines (
But it's not exactly like they drive over to their mates place and carpool out to the native forests to go on a rampage and then be back in time for morning biscuits.

It's feral cats that one should worry about.
The people who should not replace their pet cat are the ones who shouldn't have a pet cat in the first place. Because they either don't look after it, or didn't want to look after it, or dumped a box of kittens in a rest area on a state highway, or suchlike.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 22, 2013, 06:30:30 pm
Hate cats.

Good Guy Gareth.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Speakman on January 22, 2013, 06:35:50 pm
I have my burlap sacks ready, wheres the nearest river?
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 22, 2013, 06:39:00 pm
bhahahaha, sound argument.
If they are not bringing home native birds it’s because there are none around left to kill.


Who cleared out the space to live in the middle of a city?
Who burnt away all the natrual habitat for much of the endemic fauna?
Who hunted many of the birds to near or complete extinction?

urhh, why are there no native birds in my city?

Registering and chipping cats is fine. No issue there. But blanket saying "CATS SHOULD BE EXTINCT" is a bit stupid.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 22, 2013, 06:51:43 pm
I agree with Gareth

I kill cats all the time at my parents place, because they are wild/used to be someones cat. They actually travel from towns in the Wairarapa, across farmland and go live in the Aorangi national park because of the birds.

That and the fact that we work in the same building, I see him everyday and we have chats in the elevator.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 22, 2013, 06:57:05 pm
Lets get rid of all the cats.

If you want a cat, you can have a small dog.

If you still want a cat, you can move to Australia.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 22, 2013, 07:03:27 pm
Western Australia, as of Nov 2013, will have strict laws against owning cats.

Under the Cat Act, cats must be sterilised, microchipped and registered with local government.

Which I think is fucking awesome.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 22, 2013, 07:40:56 pm
^ Totaly Agree

I love my cats, but people need to control their cats, and not let them have cat babies.

My cat likes to play with rats and eats their heads.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on January 22, 2013, 07:44:46 pm
Quote from: Retardobot;1515664
Western Australia, as of Nov 2013, will have strict laws against owning cats.

Which I think is fucking awesome.

that is responsible pet ownership - I 100% support that
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: mycoolcar on January 22, 2013, 07:52:28 pm
Around here cats piss all over the sides of the house and shit in the garden. I hiss at them when I see them and try to shoot them with a water gun.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 22, 2013, 07:55:36 pm
Quote from: mycoolcar;1515676
Around here I piss all over the sides of the house and shit in the garden. I hiss at them when I see them and try to shoot them with my 'water gun'.

Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Tandoori on January 22, 2013, 08:05:57 pm
We had some discourse on this back in August 2012 in the CHCH treehouse (

From then:

Quote from: Super_Hori;1499543
At the expense of ruffling the feathers of cat-owners, I would fully support moves to phase-out domestic cat ownership (generationally) in New Zealand.

Kill a cat, save ten birds.


Pretty much this, on a national basis.

There's such lax regulation of domestic cat ownership in this country, but even with microchips and strict management in place by the owners - cats have a natural propensity to prey. I don't know if you can actually mitigate that in an effective way* - apart from removing them entirely.  

From a conservation standpoint, it seems arrogant and bizarre that we would allow the continued breeding and proliferation of one the major threats to our unique native wildlife. Cats serve no industrial purpose, and are unnecessary. Their utility is derived from being a pleasure to own, and a creature comfort. I don't think it's implausible that we could find a suitable replacement.

Current efforts to mute the negative effects of feral cats, stoats, possums are, in part, negated by the continued proliferation of domestic cats - who, due to irresponsible owners, often cause significant damage to endemic fauna. There's not much point in trying to eliminate all the feral cats, when people's negligence means a continued supply of replacement bird-hunters exists.

*By-laws or even legislation could make it mandatory to ensure cats are kept on the property of the owner at all times, but it would require a fair bit of administrative costs + enforcement to be effective. I spose you could try to offset this by having extremely punitive fines.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: GRIM on January 22, 2013, 09:07:59 pm
In Rotorua, theres approximately 60 - 100 cats per square km lol
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Zarkov on January 22, 2013, 09:50:18 pm
One cat's heaps.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Lias on January 22, 2013, 10:04:16 pm
Absolutely with Gareth Morgan.

I think we should take it further.. Treat cats like dogs.. Illegal to let them off your property and if it gets caught roaming the streets it goes to the pound until you pay muchos dinero.

I used to regularly put a .22 slug from an air rifle into any cat I saw on my property, until I was advised that unless I could guarantee a kill it probably wasn't "humane". Still think it should be legal.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 22, 2013, 10:07:34 pm
If you did that to a dog the whole country would be calling for your head.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Obble on January 22, 2013, 10:22:23 pm
Quote from: Lias;1515708
Absolutely with Gareth Morgan.

I think we should take it further.. Treat cats like dogs.. Illegal to let them off your property and if it gets caught roaming the streets it goes to the pound until you pay muchos dinero.

I used to regularly put a .22 slug from an air rifle into any cat I saw on my property, until I was advised that unless I could guarantee a kill it probably wasn't "humane". Still think it should be legal.

You used to be a real fucking winner by the sounds of it lias88.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 22, 2013, 10:31:12 pm
Quote from: Pyromanik;1515709
If you did that to a dog the whole country would be calling for your head.

But dogs don't eat native species of NZ like cats do.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: private_hell on January 22, 2013, 10:36:19 pm
gareth would do a better job by killing all the pigeons that shit on everything in town to allow other species back into town

also no problems with native birds around my place
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 22, 2013, 10:37:29 pm
I think of dogs like career beneficiaries.

They roll around in shit and make a tonne of noise when you don't want them to, eat all your monies, attack your childrens, but then people get all upset when you start shooting them.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pitchey on January 22, 2013, 10:38:08 pm
Quote from: kookynic;1515720
But dogs don't eat native species of NZ like cats do.

Ahem, Kiwi's.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 22, 2013, 10:41:10 pm
Goats eat our trees, stoats and weasels eat our birds eggs, feral cats eat birds, dogs maul kiwis, possums do all of the above.
Household kitteh eating a few bellbirds isn't really the issue here.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Munchie on January 22, 2013, 11:00:35 pm
My 2 fat snuggle bastard cats are De-sexed, micro-chipped and live indoors. When one sees a fly all it does is make this chatter sound, it can't be bothered trying to get it lol. I think all pets should be registered in some shape or form.

I take them outside on the leash but they don't really care to be out and about.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 22, 2013, 11:03:18 pm
Quote from: Pitchey;1515726
Ahem, Kiwi's.

I think you will actually find cats go for kiwi's more than dogs do.

Dogs aren't nocturnal
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pitchey on January 22, 2013, 11:17:17 pm
Regarding Kiwis, cats are bad, dogs are worse and stoats & ferrets are evil.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 22, 2013, 11:58:52 pm
Quote from: Pitchey;1515734
Regarding Kiwis, cats are bad, dogs are worse and stoats & ferrets are evil.


"Northland Brown Kiwi"
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pitchey on January 23, 2013, 12:05:44 am
lol, way to split hairs!


Feel free to post some links to factual information about cat attacks on Kiwis, other than the Northland Brown Kiwi, being worse than dogs then.

(Though I would point out that you never differentiated them in your previous posts.)
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 23, 2013, 12:20:14 am
Dogs maul shit.
Cats claw shit.

At least cats don't roll around IN shit.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 23, 2013, 12:53:36 am
Quote from: Pitchey;1515736
lol, way to split hairs!


Feel free to post some links to factual information about cat attacks on Kiwis, other than the Northland Brown Kiwi, being worse than dogs then.

(Though I would point out that you never differentiated them in your previous posts.)

Ok here we go.
Other parts of New Zealand don’t share the problem to the same extent. Northland is losing kiwi in far greater numbers than other places.

Kooky thinks, *Basically the argument for dogs being worse than cats so far is based primarily on Northland brown kiwi* *how bad could it be in Northland compared to every where else?*
One loose dog could decimate the Whakatane kiwi population.

Kooky thinks, *Fuck that's pretty vague, are there any actual documented cases where dogs compare to cats? (form a reputable website that isn't a forum)*
In 1987 a German shepherd was abandoned in Waitangi State Forest. She was hungry and killing kiwi was easy and fun. In just six months she killed about 500 kiwi, more than half all the kiwi in the forest.

There is one. Its extreme. But one
The most dangerous are stoats, which feast on the young birds. Kiwi chicks can resist stoat attacks once they weigh about 1 kilogram, but this is not until they are 40 weeks old. Other predators include dogs, feral cats and even wild pigs, which dig up kiwi burrows. Weka are known to eat kiwi eggs.

So everything kills Kiwis, including Native species.
Kiwi are also vulnerable to being hit by cars, drowning in swimming pools, fish ponds and trenches and capture in animal pest traps set on the ground.

I mean EVERYTHING including inanimate objects.

Kooky's Conclusion: Our national icon is akin to the Dodo, doesn't matter anyway because they are actually Australian in origin.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: ploppy slow on January 23, 2013, 06:58:05 am
Quote from: kookynic;1515720
But dogs don't eat native species of NZ like cats do.

Not ture they are killers as well, kiwi,lizard, skink, Dotterel(ground nesting bird) etc: Dog food

Please excuse me.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Tandoori on January 23, 2013, 07:01:01 am
Ban domestic ownership of both.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: BeNZene on January 23, 2013, 07:01:41 am
Gareth Morgan can take my cat*..... out of my cold dead hand!

*Actually two cats, both rescued and then speyed/neutered, who play well with our dog and if they murder native birds they never bring them in.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: BerG on January 23, 2013, 08:04:09 am
Im fine with it, as long as they dont ban funny cat videos on youtube.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 23, 2013, 08:11:31 am
Cat left a dead bird outside the front of the house yesterday.

This morning all that was left were some blood covered feathers.

It's natures way of recycling.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on January 23, 2013, 08:20:11 am
I think in this debate there should be a distinction between responsible cat ownership (chipping, Neuturing etc,) which most of us already do, and irresponsible cat ownership
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Zarkov on January 23, 2013, 08:32:27 am
There's no such thing as responsible pet ownership.

People invest too much emotion in them for that.

Tell someone that their dog is a nuisance and you risk a fistfight, same as if you complain about their kids.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pitchey on January 23, 2013, 04:13:37 pm
Some folks think their dog/cat/snake IS their kid!
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Lias on January 23, 2013, 05:34:50 pm
Quote from: Pitchey;1515818
Some folks think their dog/cat/snake IS their kid!

And those people should probably be spayed and neutered too..
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: SteddieEddie on January 23, 2013, 06:10:45 pm
A few years back I rang around a few spca's to see if I could purchase the fur off the euthanized cats to make rugs, jackets etc. I didn't go down at all well with them.

Gareths suggestion is a step in the right direction for my goal of stylish cat fur clothing on every man woman and child in Levin
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: oefox on January 23, 2013, 07:42:51 pm
Wow, some people really hate cats, guess they had some bad childhood memories and now want to take their revenge.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Lias on January 23, 2013, 09:16:16 pm
Not really fox.. I had cats as a kid and into my early 20's.. Eventually I just just realised that they are an introduced species that is as destructive as possums or didymo, and that they need to be regulated or banned.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 23, 2013, 09:42:24 pm
I barely even like my own cat.

I'll tolerate him on a good day.

I'm the same as Lias. Grew up with cats.

I just see them as completely useless animals. They sleep 10hrs a day, eat, piss indoors, cost a fuck load when they have to go to the vet and behave like absolute idiots on the road. Kind of like most children.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 23, 2013, 10:01:03 pm
So just like dogs then.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Obble on January 23, 2013, 10:04:01 pm
Quote from: Pyromanik;1515860
So just like dogs then.

And people.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Growler on January 23, 2013, 10:06:39 pm
most dogs and humans can be controlled.....most
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 23, 2013, 10:07:15 pm

You know what you don't see being absolute idiots on the road?
Native birds.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 23, 2013, 10:41:05 pm
Dogs vs Cat thread - GO.

Cats are living, breathing furniture. They exist to be stroked, and fed.

I can interact with a dog. I can sit and look at a cat.

Also, thread tags = WIN.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 24, 2013, 08:17:19 am
Cats and Dogs go where ever Humans go.

Clearly the problem is Humans.

Also, Dogs (the bigger ones) are more costly to feed and take care off, then cats.

However stray cats are a massive problem, stary dogs rarely are.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 24, 2013, 08:42:48 am
Any dickhead will pick up a cat from the SPCA or one from a friend or Aunty whose cat happened to have a litter, not bother about getting it desexed and let it breed thinking "OMG CUTE, LOOK AT DA KITTYS".

Domestic cats are an issue as much as wild cats.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 24, 2013, 09:09:39 am
Domestic cats which haven't been desexed are an issue. I agree with you on that part.

I'm pretty sure the SPCA will always desex their cats before giving them away.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 24, 2013, 09:16:19 am
Quote from: Spacemonkey;1515903
I'm pretty sure the SPCA will always desex their cats before giving them away.

This is true. I overlooked this part.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: kookynic on January 24, 2013, 10:40:32 am
desexed or not, they will still kill
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 24, 2013, 10:48:21 am
The thing is, trying to ban all cats is fruitless, people just love cats (and dogs) too much for that to ever happen, ever.

People like Gareth Morgan will only cause people to get angry, and wont help at all with the cat problem. It will make it worse as it will increase the division between cat owners and people who see them as a pest.

What needs to happen is for people to work together and reach a common soloution.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 24, 2013, 11:02:26 am

Blackmarket for cats? People start meeting in dark alley ways to buy cats.

People are just dumb as shit and ill informed when it comes to acquiring pets.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: oefox on January 24, 2013, 12:24:51 pm
Gareth Morgan isn't exactly an expert on conservation, nor saying intelligent things according to his latest gaffe.

Less cats means more rodents. Cats have been kept to kill rodents in the past. In my old place my cat demolished the local mouse population and that's with a bell. I moved to my new home 2 years ago and the little huntress murderer has managed to kill one giant rat. Note that this is from the evidence that I have seen.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 24, 2013, 01:41:12 pm
Newspaper says rats kill more birds then cats.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Codex on January 24, 2013, 02:09:20 pm
Interesting all of this discussion about cats killing, the most i've ever had dead on my property was a sparrow or two over the past 8 years lol cat barely leaves the house

I do agree that they should be registered or chipped at least and desexed for sure. And comparing cats to stoats and ferrets or possums seems a bit redundant in a way, yes they kill a shit load more, same with rats too, BUT we don't have the same amount of them as pets... next to none compared to cats really.

I do love my cats :3 but I do see the need for regulation also
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Bounty Hunter on January 24, 2013, 04:13:20 pm
cant ban cats, then how will kiwis make hilarious cat videos?
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Speakman on January 24, 2013, 06:48:54 pm
Quote from: Codex;1515930
Interesting all of this discussion about cats killing, the most i've ever had dead on my property was a sparrow or two over the past 8 years lol cat barely leaves the house

You keep your cats too high to hunt
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Codex on January 24, 2013, 07:34:27 pm
'tis true

Cat's high as a mother fucker

So much catnip
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Growler on January 24, 2013, 07:38:28 pm
if the tvnz kiwi can have a pet cat, i fucking can too.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: smegmacheese on January 24, 2013, 08:32:54 pm
This was something I read about ages ago at university which helped change my views on cats.  I still love pet cats, but ferals must die.  Same as rats, dogs, and stoats which we used to stomp as kids, and possums which got spotlighted and bashed in the head...ugh many more..Some exaggeration in this story below...But BAD TIBBLES BAD!

A lighthouse keeper's cat, "Tibbles", is known for killing all Stephens Island Wrens and causing the extinction of the species in 1894.  While the species was killed off by the lighthouse personnel's cats, which had gone feral, this happened not in 1894, and the island was only the last refuge of the bird, which had become extinct on the mainland many centuries earlier due to Polynesian rat predation
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: winfieldsaregoo on January 24, 2013, 09:09:38 pm
just remove people from nz and let it go back to how it was that sounds like a reasonable thing to do. And if you get rid of all the cats you would have a mass increase of rats that would do far more damge than any domestic cat would.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 25, 2013, 12:05:28 am
Quote from: Retardobot;1515897
Any dickhead will pick up a cat from the SPCA or one from a friend or Aunty whose cat happened to have a litter, not bother about getting it desexed and let it breed thinking "OMG CUTE, LOOK AT DA KITTYS".

Domestic cats are an issue as much as wild cats.

All animals get desexed at the SPCA.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Zarkov on January 25, 2013, 07:46:01 am
Typical responsible NZ pet owner.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 25, 2013, 08:22:13 am
Quote from: smegmacheese;1515951
This was something I read about ages ago at university which helped change my views on cats.  I still love pet cats, but ferals must die.  Same as rats, dogs, and stoats which we used to stomp as kids, and possums which got spotlighted and bashed in the head...ugh many more..Some exaggeration in this story below...But BAD TIBBLES BAD!

A lighthouse keeper's cat, "Tibbles", is known for killing all Stephens Island Wrens and causing the extinction of the species in 1894.  While the species was killed off by the lighthouse personnel's cats, which had gone feral, this happened not in 1894, and the island was only the last refuge of the bird, which had become extinct on the mainland many centuries earlier due to Polynesian rat predation

So pretty much if we had cats many centuries earlier to kill all the Polynesian rats, we would still have the birds today.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 25, 2013, 10:38:15 am
Quote from: Pyromanik;1515966
All animals get desexed at the SPCA.

Yes, I know. Monkey already pointed this out and I conceded due to memory derp.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 25, 2013, 10:43:21 am
Quote from: Retardobot;1516001
Yes, I know. Monkey already pointed this out and I conceded due to memory derp.

Must have been a result of that time you got desexed at the SPCA.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 25, 2013, 11:33:47 am
That'd explain the slight kink.

I say slight kink but it's more of a perfect right angle.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Kopfjaeger on January 25, 2013, 04:36:36 pm
i have no issue with regulation that requires all cats/dogs to be desexed unless kept by bona fide breeder for that purpose.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 25, 2013, 09:12:01 pm
I'd love for breeders to be kept under very close scrutiny.

Most of them are scum.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: smegmacheese on January 25, 2013, 09:24:10 pm
Breeders are only here for our women.  I watched this movie, don't.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Chilli on January 25, 2013, 10:58:53 pm
Morgan needs to start liking pussy instead of ......
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 31, 2013, 01:23:56 pm
Ha, his website got hacked.

Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Xenolightning on January 31, 2013, 01:37:22 pm
That is fucking superb.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on January 31, 2013, 01:51:06 pm
Internet Hacktivism - you have not failed to deliver.

Welcome Mr Morgan to the Internet - Don't fuck with Cats

Also - $5 to kill a cat:

What a Cunt.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on January 31, 2013, 04:16:24 pm
Quote from: Spacemonkey;1516499
Ha, his website got hacked.

Stuff stuffed up.

Site didn't get hacked. They just created a new site using, where Morgans site had
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on January 31, 2013, 04:23:11 pm
Quote from: Spacemonkey;1516507
Stuff stuffed up.

Site didn't get hacked. They just created a new site using, where Morgans site had

thats not as funny

The picture is still awesome

Edit - its now giving a 404 :(
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: BerG on January 31, 2013, 06:10:43 pm
We also have, quality catalytic converters for a low low price.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 31, 2013, 06:13:19 pm

Far more interesting.

NO dipshits, people just use seedboxes now.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Retardobot on January 31, 2013, 08:00:19 pm
Stuff is the most useless news outlet on the planet.

I'd sooner watch Fox.

Also, I support Gareth just on the basis I have an unrivalled hatred for cats.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Bounty Hunter on January 31, 2013, 08:12:59 pm
Quote from: Pyromanik;1516521

Far more interesting.

NO dipshits, people just use seedboxes now.

I love that "Four in 10"

what did they get the n and realise they were paying per letter?
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on January 31, 2013, 08:28:04 pm
Indeed. Also I lied. This was the most interesting thing I found on stuff on the short click spree I went on.

Stupid shit, but it's america, so it's ok for me to think it's cool.

I wonder how long before some dipshit in Auckland decided to try and replicate? Shouldn't cause too much of a ruckus if they try at rush hour. The biggest problem would be clearing a space big enough to skid around in.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: BerG on January 31, 2013, 09:02:01 pm
Whats the latest on downloading movies?

I'm not waiting 5 months to watch The Last Stand when the rest of the world is watching it 2 weeks ago.

Can I download torrent or will that get me in trouble.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: O-L-W-A-G on January 31, 2013, 09:31:55 pm
Not all dogs and cats will attack birds/kiwis so a blanket rule of getting rid of either is stupid as it is much easier to register, microchip, keep on property and give them a bell. I do have a problem with cats that provoke dogs and shit on adjacent properties.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: oefox on February 01, 2013, 11:55:08 am
I have an issue with dogs that provoke cats and shit on footpaths.

Should introduce foxes to kill feral animals, foxes are cute and cuddly.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: The Demon Lord on February 01, 2013, 12:53:20 pm
Quote from: oefox;1516588
I have an issue with dogs that provoke cats and shit on footpaths.

Should introduce foxes to kill feral animals, foxes are cute and cuddly.

Because a Fox wouldn't enjoy the 5 star NZ native Cuisine of tasty flightless andmostly defenceless birds....
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Codex on February 01, 2013, 12:55:05 pm
Then we bring in lions to get rid of the fox

Then we bring in elephants to get rid of the lions

Then we bring in mice to get rid of the elephants

Then we bring in cats to get rid of the mic

Then we bring in foxes to get rid of the cats
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on February 01, 2013, 01:05:49 pm
It's the circle of life
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Chilli on February 02, 2013, 07:21:22 am
Quote from: Codex;1516597
Then we bring in lions to get rid of the fox

Then we bring in elephants to get rid of the lions

Then we bring in mice to get rid of the elephants

Then we bring in cats to get rid of the mic

Then we bring in foxes to get rid of the cats

I know an old lady who swallowed a fly
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: O-L-W-A-G on February 02, 2013, 09:36:54 pm
Quote from: oefox;1516588
I have an issue with dogs that provoke cats and shit on footpaths.

Should introduce foxes to kill feral animals, foxes are cute and cuddly.
The dogs produce a lot more noise, the number of dog owners that pick up their animals droppings is much bigger than the cat owners.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Chilli on February 02, 2013, 10:18:39 pm
Humans > aliens ... .   if that helps.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Black Heart on February 03, 2013, 08:11:48 pm
How many people have been killed by cats? And Vs dogs? And when people aren't killed by dogs theres all those attacks that are a burden on our health and ACC system with many claims every year resulting from dog attacks.

Only an idiot would think hunting dogs don't attack kiwi, they have special aversion courses for dogs (with very mixed results!) to protect kiwi.

Feral cats have a preference for rats and other vermin (like rabbits) over birds, effective protecting them from the most prevalent of predators.

And even if everything Gareth Morgan says is true, no I don't want more birds of any sort, bird shit is revolting and is everywhere already. Then theres the health risks bird flu, etc.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on February 03, 2013, 11:19:18 pm
Quote from: BerG;1516542
Whats the latest on downloading movies?

I'm not waiting 5 months to watch The Last Stand when the rest of the world is watching it 2 weeks ago.

Can I download torrent or will that get me in trouble.

Go for it. You get three warnings anyway.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on February 03, 2013, 11:21:53 pm
Quote from: Black Heart;1516782
Feral cats have a preference for rats and other vermin (like rabbits) over birds, effective protecting them from the most prevalent of predators.

This is actually probably one of the most relevant arguments in this thread.
Foolish garef dun fink about dem consequenses.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on February 03, 2013, 11:22:59 pm
Quote from: Black Heart;1516782
Feral cats have a preference for rats and other vermin (like rabbits) over birds, effective protecting them from the most prevalent of predators.

This is actually probably one of the most relevant arguments in this thread.
Foolish garef dun fink about dem consequenses.

If a cat brings home a dead stoat, you should pat it and ask for more.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Xenolightning on February 04, 2013, 07:40:35 am
If Pyro brings home a double post, we should pat him on the head and ask for more.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Pyromanik on February 04, 2013, 05:51:21 pm
Which head?
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: Xenolightning on February 04, 2013, 06:14:50 pm
Both, it'll be like the pat the head and rub the stomach thing you learn as a child.
Title: Gareth Morgan and Cats
Post by: O-L-W-A-G on February 10, 2013, 04:00:39 pm
Quote from: Black Heart;1516782
How many people have been killed by cats? And Vs dogs? And when people aren't killed by dogs theres all those attacks that are a burden on our health and ACC system with many claims every year resulting from dog attacks.

Only an idiot would think hunting dogs don't attack kiwi, they have special aversion courses for dogs (with very mixed results!) to protect kiwi.

Feral cats have a preference for rats and other vermin (like rabbits) over birds, effective protecting them from the most prevalent of predators.

And even if everything Gareth Morgan says is true, no I don't want more birds of any sort, bird shit is revolting and is everywhere already. Then theres the health risks bird flu, etc.
Depends on the animal, some dogs won't hurt a fly and my neighbours cat will try to attack anyone within 10m