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Show Topics - NewSupaLuigiBros

Pages: [1]
Get Some Game Servers / Unban request
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:53:40 pm »
Game: Team Fortress 2
In game name: NewSupaLuigiBros
Date: I have no idea, but started few months ago.
Reason for ban: That is the question I want to ask! I tried to join trade_plaza_2 runs by GetSome, but it says "You have been banned by this server'. I have no idea why (I am just thinking, I think the admin banned me. HOWEVER, I don't know WHY would the admin ban me. I didn't do anything wrong.)  AND, I tried to join other GetSomeNewwork servers, but they say I am banned on THAT TOO! And I never PLAYED in that server! So, can anyone please tell me WHY I am banned from those servers please!

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