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Show Topics - benxx9

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Get Some Game Servers / TF2 TRADE server admin application
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:48:35 pm »



i am a newbie admin and have had no past experience being admin on a TF2 server (have been admin on a Private minecraft server)

i think i should become an admin on tf2 trade server is that i am on it a lot and it is probably the server i play on the most in tf2. i want to become an admin because i like playing on the trade server but once in a while you get a scammer or hacker that needs taken care of but the normal admins are not on. i am a freindly and approachable person who likes to help others. my 'can do' attitude means that i will try anything to solve a problem. i think that i would be a good admin because i want! to help otyher and want to make the server a more friendly place. My weakness would be my lack of experience on big servers but i am sure that i am up to the challenge. i think a good admin needs to want to be an admin and is fair so he doesnt abuse his power. i think i could be a valuble addition to the Tf2 trade server admin ranks.

thank you for considering

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