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Messages - Chilli

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General Chat / Tags for this Thread
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:17:46 am »
bitchzilla! blades of grass, donkey fuck butter, emrico1 is boss, grim is wrong, growler is oarsum! growler snaffles hotdogs. homos carm down, hori lol wtf suck ma balls lol. maddest midget porn, obbles is gay, pyro bad at interweb, pyro mad cuz bad pyro on the rag, retardobawss lives dreams, skeletor up in this bitch, winter eats turds, winter was here 1997



Quote from: Codex;1515373
You can if you want to, at least buy me a drink first, it's only polite.

I don't believe anything you say, you left a very nice trail that's only convinced everyone you're a compulsive liar and somewhat a sociopath. I lost any respect I had for you as a member when your spiderweb of bullshit unfolded last time, and especially more so when certain comments made by an account of yours towards another tragic event were also revealed. So don't take it personally, but fuck you man.

It'd be interesting to see if any of the other TCL employees on this forum support your speculation. You haven't provided any actual supporting material or have even referenced anything to support your statements. Also no, making another account or using one of your 50 alts to post the same thing won't cut it. And no, not going to waste my time calling tcl. The manilla CC is being removed anyway with Voda absorbing tcl.

Wtf man, leave what I  'supposedly' did out of it, emotions aside bro.

.. arh fuck it, you dont believe  what I say about this isp/uba thing then fine. I dont care, Im only saying what is.

Ring the 0800 number I posted and talk to those guys, they will tell you to your face... as it goes.

Peace Codex, youve always been a GC.

Quote from: Speakman;1515374
I just don't get what UBA has to do with anything, or why people are being moved to new IP servers, or why you think you're welcome here, or why dynamic addresses magically change every twelve days like clockwork

I said every 12 weeks not 12 days.  And yes, they will.

Shit you work for SNAP??? Nice

Quote from: Speakman;1515363
I'm facepalming too hard to even get a facepalm pic for you

0800225598 bypass the plebs at tier 1 level BB help (manila) ask to be placed through to the tier 2 guys at complex support. Ask them what Ive just typed here.

Btw, Im talking TCNZ here, dunno about you dodgy as Snap fellas ;)

Quote from: Codex;1515367
You're wrong on so many levels I don't even know what to say.

Perhaps it may look this way if you only study 50 users IP's on these forums, since they're all batshit mental crazy, and they're all you.

Hey Codex, Ive tried to bite my tongue on the peasant spit you lay on my posts now and plse dont take it personally but fuck you man!

You dont believe me about UBA? .. fine, time will tell hotshot.

TV, Movies & Music / What are you watching right now?
« on: January 20, 2013, 07:07:37 pm »
The movie 127 Hours

pretty darn good

about a dude that goes rock climbing and gets stuck, dying slowly, dunno if he gets out :/

Quote from: Speakman;1515334
We do all have the same IP...

Its UBA. Its now the industry standard. If you opted for a dynamic IP yeah you'll get one but it will only roll over every 12 weeks or so now, people are sharing ip addresses as I understand it, sounds shit to me but hey.

Old school bb (boardband) was fipd, most ip's are changing people over to the newer servers as we speak. Dont believe me and youre on a so called dynamic ip? check it now.. then check it in a couple of days, it will be the same.
May have something to do with security, tracking.. who knows. Ip's can be changed manually if theres a connection problem.  Heaps of peeps complaining but its just the way it is now :(

TV, Movies & Music / What are you watching right now?
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:27:30 pm »

General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:16:25 pm »
Hmmm.  Hi Mother Earth, yes we know youre still there. Thank you Marm, respect.

Creative Media / Cool photos you've taken
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:10:29 pm »
You guys- Some serious talent here.

Quote from: Emrico1;1515282
We "work" in the same building.

Negative. You dont "work" you just sit there telling me which way to jump :[

haha _b

General Chat / Who would you cast as Jack Reacher?
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:51:11 am »
Quote from: benlav;1515176
Whoever the choice was, they had to be a great actor. They would have killed the series before it even started by putting a body builder in or someone who can't act. There gone with a good actor who doesn't physically fit the bill. Those pics above look to be body builders, reacher never did weights, he was just big.

True. This is why is put Jason Statham up there, just a hard arse, not a posey wannbe.

Quote from: Growler;1515190

TV, Movies & Music / Gig guide - up and coming gigs.
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:07:41 am »
yeah prolly, get totally trollied and listen to av' music :S

Quote from: Emrico1;1515137
Ignore list keeps the wood going

Lotta hate there Emrico, gessh man what did I ever do to you? really, we used to have a gay old time

anyway I bet you still read these.

Quote from: Obble;1515119
You know when you have a massive hardon, but see a really fat ugly girl, and it totally kills it?

You bone ugly fat girls?  

Talking about utter rubbish, watched Resident Evil 2 today.. the first one was ok but RE Apocalypse was the biggest pile of b-grade dung Ive seen for ages. What a load of bullocks.

General Chat / phil collins -
« on: January 17, 2013, 05:58:59 pm »
Take take me home, cause I dont remember

page back codex. the one with the white dem0n eyes emo posted :)

Hahaaa random talk about dogs butts, 1000 farts, demon dog eyes, mixed with spider bite stats from Iran ... you guys are crazy lol

well fair enough

imo spiders > growlers homo jelly  


another natural way Winter is to get a few spider nest sacks and put them in the babies room.

Homosexual jelly? ewww  

General Chat / Who would you cast as Jack Reacher?
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:40:24 am »
mann he looks way older...

but hes still BOSS  _b

Yeah hate those little things (the bugs that is)

have you tried to put some of that insect repellent on him? Theres some really good ones out there for kids.

General Chat / Who would you cast as Jack Reacher?
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:11:18 am »
More of a reason Cena shouldnt then, hes only 35 or so isnt he?

get old Arnie back in lol, back from behind that crappy government desk

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