Get Some

General => General Chat => Topic started by: frankytanky on February 13, 2013, 05:03:48 am

Title: Man vs Food
Post by: frankytanky on February 13, 2013, 05:03:48 am
Any of you GetSome punks ever witness this show? I am over in old blighty ATM and have stumbled across this on channel Dave. It's my new fav show. Basically this overweight guy travels round America trying to beat resturaunt eating records. Most of the food is horribly deep fried and not suitable for consumption (delicious). I am just waiting for the episode where the host, Adam, dies of a spectacular heart attack while trying to down the last pound of lardy cheesy meaty goodness.
I recommend this show

Tell me about your biggest feeds or eating records. I am reasonably small guy (178cm, 74kgs) so I can't really bring any massive food challenges to pass however I enjoy hearing of others trials and tribulations, successes am failures.
Title: Man vs Food
Post by: Munchie on February 13, 2013, 07:18:39 am
I can manage to eat a cheese burger combo from MC Ds lol record for me.
Title: Man vs Food
Post by: The Demon Lord on February 13, 2013, 07:42:47 am
I Love Man Vs Food!!!

My best effort:

Morgans Burger: 1 pound of Beef Burger, Milkshake + Frings

It got annihilated
Title: Man vs Food
Post by: Bounty Hunter on February 13, 2013, 08:23:54 am
Quote from: frankytanky;1517899
....stumbled across this on channel Dave.

Channel Dave?!?

Title: Paralympics
Post by: Tiwaking! on February 13, 2013, 10:32:36 am
Quote from: frankytanky;1517899
Any of you GetSome punks ever witness this show?

Not me. This guy though:
Title: Man vs Food
Post by: Scunner on February 13, 2013, 10:54:40 am
They played it on Aussie TV for bit last year, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. It was a bit hard to watch at those times but it was indeed awesome.

I don't really have any big eating feats. I'm not a big eater. I ate a whole pizza once ...