Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Well it really comes down to how a new species is defined. Diseases and virii mutate all the time, caused by natural selection. Some of the mutations will help the disease to thrive, while other mutations will cause the disease to die out.

Creationists argue that because we haven't seen any new species develop, that evolution is flawed, but evolutionist know that evolution does take a long time, millions of years, however the driving force behind evolution, which is natural selection, can be easily seen.

And anyway, how can you see a new species develop? think about it, it wasn't there, then it is there.

It's quite hard to prove something doesn't exist yet, when you don't yet know what it is. Thousands of new species are being found all the time deep in the rain forest and in the deep ocean, we don't know how long they have been there without fossil evidence. They could have been around for millions of years, or they could have evolved from another spices in the last hundred years.

My point is that the creationists argument that evolution is flawed because we havn't witnessed a new species develop, is that it's wrong.

And there is plenty of evidence for evolution in my opinion, how species can share up to 95% of their genetic code with another, and fossils can be found in only certain time periods, meaning that a species started existing at a certain time.

Reply #1125 Posted: February 16, 2007, 10:42:07 am

Offline Black Heart

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Totally completely and utterly agree SM, it is basically what I was saying. I was just adding evolution wont (IMO) ever tell us how life began. which is what creationists seem to fear the most. as thats the only place left where evolution and creation can conflict.

Reply #1126 Posted: February 16, 2007, 10:48:59 am

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Thats true, and the one thing I think science will never be able to prove, there are just so many theories:

- The organic soup one, organic molecules bunched together and life formed.

- And meteorite containing microscopic life from another planet crashed on Earth - I personally like this one, it means first that we are all aliens, and secondly that there must be another planet out their with our ancestors on it.

- Some alien civilization planted us here as a science experiment.

- God did it.

The last two could be the same thing, if aliens did plant us here, then hung around to see what was going on, you could see how people could mistake them for God/Gods.

Thing is we'll never know, however finding life on other plants would help out understanding of how we started.

Reply #1127 Posted: February 16, 2007, 11:01:53 am

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: Arnifix;339840
Could you please explain this word, o' great thread? For the font of all wisdom knows not of its meaning, and though I have toiled in ancient tomes and scoured a sea of scribbled scrolls I can think of nought but some foray into boganosity or biology.

O' thread! I beseech thee! Come down from on high and bless me with wisdom held only by you!

LOL!! You actually looked it up! :bounce:

Quote from: BerG;338554
Imagine if this was merged with the religion mega-thread, where we have already pwned jay kay and religion many times over.

It wouldn't just be a mega-thread, it would be such an amazing thread that we would have to make up a new name, like Oboganama-thread.

Reply #1128 Posted: February 16, 2007, 12:13:37 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Fragin';340110
LOL!! You actually looked it up! :bounce:

ctrl-c, ctrl-v, enter. No hits on google. Very lol though.

Reply #1129 Posted: February 16, 2007, 12:17:54 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: Prowess;338524
hey im just wondering what evidence you are talking about.

Carbon dating, geology, and astronomy, all agree that animals, the earth and the universe are much older than the english translation of the bible suggests. There are many more examples.

Please provide your explanation as to why we are seeing light from stars 1 billion light years away.

As a model of the universe, the english bible fails.

Quote from: Prowess;339641
but what ever you beleive you should always look hard at what supports it.

Completely agree, so, why do you think god is intelligent? Why do you think god can "get angry"?

Quote from: Prowess;339738
cute 'theory' there has also never been a known case of a gain in information leading to a change in a species.

We have never seen a sun explode either so that mustn't happen either huh? But then we've only been looking a very short time really haven't we.

It is a failing of humankind to think that if things can not be witnessed within a lifetime then they cannot happen.

And BTW - the human genome consists of > 60% viral information. Those are viruses which have become embedded in our dna. Does that qualify as gaining genetic information?

Quote from: Spacemonkey;339967
My point is that the creationists argument that evolution is flawed because we havn't witnessed a new species develop, is that it's wrong.

Exactly. Also note, they haven't seen "god" create a chicken out of water either yet they somehow believe that is more likely.

Reply #1130 Posted: February 16, 2007, 12:18:12 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: dirtyape;340119
And BTW - the human genome consists of > 60% viral information. Those are viruses which have become embedded in our dna. Does that qualify as gaining genetic information?

Why yes. Yes it does.

Reply #1131 Posted: February 16, 2007, 12:36:38 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline dirtyape

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this post from the megathread talks about viral implants into human dna

Reply #1132 Posted: February 16, 2007, 03:15:25 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline Tiwaking!

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*********Sarcasm alert!**********
Quote from: Hannibal4life;338211
Given your guys lack of understanding of dating methods i can understand why you don't believe the bible.

Quote from: Black Heart;338296
Radioisotopic Dating Techniques
technique    range (years past)    dateable items
lead 210    1    -    150    lake and ocean sediments, glacial ice
carbon 14    1    -    40,000    previously living things
uranium series    1    -    400,000    bone, teeth, coral, shells, eggs
potassium-argon    10,000    -    3 billion    minerals, igneous rocks
uranium-lead    1 million    -    4.5 billion    minerals, igneous rocks
rubidium-strontium    60 million    -    4.5 billion

Quote from: dirtyape;340119
Carbon dating, geology, and astronomy, all agree that animals, the earth and the universe are much older than the english translation of the bible suggests. There are many more examples.

God placed these examples on earth to test our faith
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
Please provide your explanation as to why we are seeing light from stars 1 billion light years away.

It is God testing our faith
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
As a model of the universe, the english bible fails.

Its a test of our faith in God
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
Completely agree, so, why do you think god is intelligent? Why do you think god can "get angry"?

Quote from: Exodus

32:9. And again the Lord said to Moses:  I see that this people is stiffnecked:
32:10. Let me alone, that my wrath may be kindled against them, and that I may destroy them, and I will make of thee a great nation.

Quote from: dirtyape;340119
We have never seen a sun explode either so that mustn't happen either huh? But then we've only been looking a very short time really haven't we.

It is God testing our faith. Shouldnt we just be happy that he allows us to witness the magnificience of his work?
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
It is a failing of humankind to think that if things can not be witnessed within a lifetime then they cannot happen.

Our short lifetimes are a test of our faith in immortal God
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
And BTW - the human genome consists of > 60% viral information. Those are viruses which have become embedded in our dna. Does that qualify as gaining genetic information?

Its a test of our faith in God
Quote from: dirtyape;340119
Exactly. Also note, they haven't seen "god" create a chicken out of water either yet they somehow believe that is more likely.

God moves in mysterious ways
I think this pretty much speaks for itself

Reply #1133 Posted: February 16, 2007, 03:18:29 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Charlie C

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;339627
She's 100% correct. When you swear at someone you do two things. 1) Create intimidation. 2) Artificially obscures your point.
Scaring people into thinking like you achieves nothing. If scaring people into thinking like you worked, we wouldnt need torture.

1) Huh?  If you're a pussy, or it's an in-your-face shouting match.  Done properly, expletives aren't needed in that situation anyway :)  So expletives aren't aggressive, they're simply... emphatic, and therefore 2) serve sometimes to enhance your point.  :bounce:

The missus is right because regular use of expletives demeans the person using them, and they just don't fit into a well-worded and intelligent conversation.  This also helps to explain the Beer phenomenon.  It's all a matter of context - expletives can provide hours of entertainment when used properly.

Quote from: Prowess;339665
'yom' is used in context to express the time wanted by the is used to describe a random amont of time,a year or in this case 24hrs this was the authors context.

You're right about the variable, I originally worded the post to express a similar example, but it got edited out.  However, the suggestion that the author intended a 24hr time frame sounds like fundamentalist wishful thinking to me.  :sunnies:

Reply #1134 Posted: February 16, 2007, 10:07:25 pm

Offline Prowess

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;339866
Because everyone should have the right to choose in whatever they believe in.

you cant say your a cop and then not inforce the law so why say your a christian and
then say you dont belive what christ says.

Reply #1135 Posted: February 16, 2007, 10:42:07 pm

Offline Prowess

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;339868
OMG you just proved evolution!!

It doesn't matter whether their is a gain or loss in information (most of the genetic code is what is referred to as junk DNA anyway), as long as the resultant new species has some advantage over the former.

See, the amount of genetic information has no resemblance to how 'advanced' a species is, so therefore evolution can happen either by the gain or loss of information .

if a gain in information(i am looking at the link) has never happened then evolution
is imposible.a lose of information is micro evolution and runs with in a spieces never creating
a new spieces.

Reply #1136 Posted: February 16, 2007, 10:54:18 pm

Offline Prowess

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;339967
Well it really comes down to how a new species is defined. Diseases and virii mutate all the time, caused by natural selection. Some of the mutations will help the disease to thrive, while other mutations will cause the disease to die out.

Creationists argue that because we haven't seen any new species develop, that evolution is flawed, but evolutionist know that evolution does take a long time, millions of years, however the driving force behind evolution, which is natural selection, can be easily seen.

And anyway, how can you see a new species develop? think about it, it wasn't there, then it is there.

It's quite hard to prove something doesn't exist yet, when you don't yet know what it is. Thousands of new species are being found all the time deep in the rain forest and in the deep ocean, we don't know how long they have been there without fossil evidence. They could have been around for millions of years, or they could have evolved from another spices in the last hundred years.

My point is that the creationists argument that evolution is flawed because we havn't witnessed a new species develop, is that it's wrong.

And there is plenty of evidence for evolution in my opinion, how species can share up to 95% of their genetic code with another, and fossils can be found in only certain time periods, meaning that a species started existing at a certain time.

what species shares 95% dna.we still have no conclusive fossils showing a gradual change
either .mathmaticians have done the caculations on evolution as well concluding there
has not been enough time for all current species to evolve.

Reply #1137 Posted: February 16, 2007, 11:02:27 pm

Offline Prowess

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Quote from: Charlie C;340845
1) Huh?  If you're a pussy, or it's an in-your-face shouting match.  Done properly, expletives aren't needed in that situation anyway :)  So expletives aren't aggressive, they're simply... emphatic, and therefore 2) serve sometimes to enhance your point.  :bounce:

The missus is right because regular use of expletives demeans the person using them, and they just don't fit into a well-worded and intelligent conversation.  This also helps to explain the Beer phenomenon.  It's all a matter of context - expletives can provide hours of entertainment when used properly.

You're right about the variable, I originally worded the post to express a similar example, but it got edited out.  However, the suggestion that the author intended a 24hr time frame sounds like fundamentalist wishful thinking to me.  :sunnies:

you can say it wishful thinking but that doesn't can the context it was writen in.

Reply #1138 Posted: February 16, 2007, 11:10:17 pm

Offline Prowess

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Quote from: dirtyape;340119
Carbon dating, geology, and astronomy, all agree that animals, the earth and the universe are much older than the english translation of the bible suggests. There are many more examples.

Please provide your explanation as to why we are seeing light from stars 1 billion light years away.

As a model of the universe, the english bible fails.

Completely agree, so, why do you think god is intelligent? Why do you think god can "get angry"?

We have never seen a sun explode either so that mustn't happen either huh? But then we've only been looking a very short time really haven't we.

It is a failing of humankind to think that if things can not be witnessed within a lifetime then they cannot happen.

And BTW - the human genome consists of > 60% viral information. Those are viruses which have become embedded in our dna. Does that qualify as gaining genetic information?

we see stars in different stages of life an we see the after affects of a stars death.
no simalar signs with evolution.

Reply #1139 Posted: February 16, 2007, 11:23:14 pm

Offline Wandarah

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Anyway, in a fight between the two, relegion would win - because they have God.

And he is a badass.

Reply #1140 Posted: February 16, 2007, 11:27:54 pm
Immanentize the eschaton

Offline Charlie C

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Quote from: Prowess;340869
you can say it wishful thinking but that doesn't can the context it was writen in.

....but you're making it up!!  What context are you talking about, unless you made it up??

We're seeing evolution of the planets all the time in the world and the universe around us.  Darwin's theory of evolution when applied to animals was an intelligent guess, but he was startled at the absolute acceptance given to it, he himself believed it was flawed.  

Since Darwin, hard core evolutionists have been desperately trying to make it all fit the theory, instead of working out what's really happening and modifying the theory when more is known.  For example, I've yet to see a link between apes and men that is stronger than a wet noodle, but it's still the generally accepted theory of how we came about, not because it's been proved, but because people need something to believe.  As long as it's not a creative God.

Reply #1141 Posted: February 17, 2007, 01:16:38 am

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Wandarah;337422
/Goodwins law evoked.
//Love slashies.

Quote from: Wandarah;340877
Anyway, in a fight between the two, relegion would win - because they have God.
And he is a badass.

Quote from: Prowess;339714
Quote from: Tiwaking!
]job is a well known Bedouin story. Im trying to put together words so I'll just fire out what Im thinking. "Why would you believe a morality story which isnt based on Christian intent?"

this book was written by an israelite the god is called 'yahweh'.that is why it is in the bible.

Quote from: Wikipedia
A great diversity of opinion exists as to the authorship of this book. From internal evidence, such as the similarity of sentiment and language to those in the Psalms and Proverbs (see Psalms 88 and 89), the prevalence of the idea of "wisdom," and the style and character of the composition, it is supposed by some to have been written in the time of King David and King Solomon. Some, however place it in around the time of the Babylonian exile.

Talmudic tradition maintains that the Book Job was written by Moses, although the Sages dispute whether it was based on historical reality or intended as a parable. Although Moses' authorship is accepted as definitive, other opinions in the Talmud ascribe it to the period of the First Temple.

In contrast, secular examinations of the text more generally conclude that, though archaic features such as the "council in heaven" survive, and though the story of Job was familiar to Ezekiel (Chapter 14 verse 14), the present form of Job was fixed in the 4th century BC. Ezekiel places Job in comparison with other righteous figures such as Noah and "Dan-el". The story of Job apparently originated in the land of Edom, which has been retained as the background. Fragments of Job are found among the Dead Sea scrolls, and Job remains prominent in haggadic legends.

Possible Sumerian source

The Assyriologist and Sumerologist Samuel Noah Kramer in his 1959 book History Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine "Firsts" in Recorded History (1956), provided a translation of a Sumerian text which Professor Kramer argued evinces a parallel with the Biblical story of Job. Professor Kramer drew an inference that the Hebrew version is in some way derived from a Sumerian predecessor.

Quote from: Hannibal4life;333213
Black heart, ive given rational explanations. I think you guys need to step it up on the amount of personal attacks dished out. if you can't handle the debate don't resort to attacking us by saying we are irrational. There's nothing wrong with my rationale.

Quote from: Wikipedia
However, rationality is a much broader term than logic, as it includes "uncertain but sensible" arguments based on probability, expectation, personal experience and the like, whereas logic deals principally with provable facts and demonstrably valid relations between them. For example, ad hominem arguments are logically unsound, but in many cases they may be rational

Black Heart attacking the person is also completely rational(an ad hominem argument)
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;335412

Seriously, I don't even bother going to a lot of Christian websites, simply because the beliefs vacillate so wildly from one to the next. Like, one believes in tithing (giving 10% to the church) and another doesn't. One believes in using electric guitars at church, another doesn't. One believes in using modern worship, another doesn't. One believes that creationism is correct, another leaves the door open. And many more examples.

"The more relaxed religious person has just a short laundry list of beliefs"
Quote from: Charlie C;336164
The first and most fundamental question anyone, Christian or not, should ask themselves is:
How the fuck would I know? I'm a tiny speck on a small planet which itself is atomically small in relation to the known universe.

The 'known universe' in fundamentalist Christian dogma is incredibly small and has a short timeline. Also: The first question you should ask yourself is "If God put you here to be his slave until you die and be with him, whats the point of creating a proving ground? Is it some form of arena-like entertainment for celestial beings?"
In answer of your incredibly WRONG question: "If we are to be incapble of knowing the truth behind everything, what is the point of living?"
Quote from: Charlie C;336164
To propose that there is no creator is incredibly arrogant, because we are simply not capable of comprehending something so eternal and so vast....and to suggest that a creator as vast at the one who could have created our universe should give a fuck what any of us think is just me me me me, which is about the level most human beings settle at anyway. <- Does God Care? You are also wrong, again.
Quote from: Charlie C;336164
To claim that a creator doesn't exist because evil does is an oxymoron of the first degree

Epicurean debate about this has been going on for centuries. How can it be an oxymoron?

Quote from: Charlie C;336164
We live in a universe of decay - we age and die like everything around us, so we have no understanding of eternity, of something that always existed and always will.

Actually we OBSERVE the universe as a universe of decay due to our inability to percieve the universe in a non-linear time model, which is in fact what it is.

Quote from: Charlie C;336164
Science can't prove that it's all about evolution, and the Bible can't prove it's all about creation.  I've heard people say for years that of course there's evolution!  God prefers to do things the natural way!

Actually science may one day prove that its all about evolution whereas Christianity can ONLY prove creationism and has no other recourse i.e Bablefish
Quote from: Charlie C;336164
Science is about facts as they are known.  Science inevitably gets it wrong, but you can only go with what you know at the time.  Needs constant effort to learn new things, to better understand what the hell's going on around here

The main problem is: The more we learn the less we know. In fact the great ultimate wall that we are most likely to slam into is: We arent biologically capable of learning something!

The recourse is to build something which IS capable of learning something we cant i.e Tachyon tracking and detection
Quote from: Charlie C;336164
Christianity is about faith, the opposite of science

Yeah well people have been saying that since the thread began, and it is over 12 pages long

Reply #1142 Posted: February 17, 2007, 08:40:14 am
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Offline frog.

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Quote from: Tiwaking!
Actually science may one day prove that its all about evolution whereas Christianity can ONLY prove creationism and has no other recourse i.e Bablefish

with infinite years science will never prove "its all about evolution"
and with infinite years the bibles God will never return.

i believe science and religion go hand in hand but they are both on the wrong path.
they are being pushed in a direction where nothing will be solved.

*starts running from Tiwa's wrath*

Reply #1143 Posted: February 17, 2007, 09:48:32 am
pancakesrreal | Everyone of us is high but you

Offline Charlie C

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Tiwaking?  You're so hung up on arguing about anything anyone else says that you take things out of context to argue them, and provided some responses that are not only completely out of context but don't make any sense either.
A small example (I'm NOT going to pick them all out)

Quote from: Charlie C
To propose that there is no creator is incredibly arrogant, because we are simply not capable of comprehending something so eternal and so vast....and to suggest that a creator as vast at the one who could have created our universe should give a fuck what any of us think is just me me me me, which is about the level most human beings settle at anyway.

Quote from: Tiwaking
Does God Care? You are also wrong, again.

Where did I say God doesn't care?  I said he's not concerned with our opinions.  

You're so obsessed with finding fault that you pick out a few words, read it wrong, and you won't concede the point of the rest of the statement (which I assume you agree with, because you didn't argue with it?)  This whole 'you're wrong, I'm right' thing is a very un-christian arrogance, BTW.

I'm out, this has turned into pointless mush.  :sunnies:

Reply #1144 Posted: February 17, 2007, 01:11:42 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Charlie C;341119
Tiwaking?  You're so hung up on arguing about anything anyone else says that you take things out of context to argue them, and provided some responses that are not only completely out of context but don't make any sense either.
A small example (I'm NOT going to pick them all out)

I am exercising the Philosophical method of investigation known as "Socratic Method". That is: Eliminating poor hypotheses. If an idea is put forward and I counter the idea and so on until the truth is found.
Quote from: Charlie C;341119
Where did I say God doesn't care?  I said he's not concerned with our opinions.

Quote from: Charlie C;336164
To propose that there is no creator is incredibly arrogant, because we are simply not capable of comprehending something so eternal and so vast....and to suggest that a creator as vast at the one who could have created our universe should give a fuck what any of us think is just me me me me, which is about the level most human beings settle at anyway.
Did you even read that thread I posted? So can you answer me: Does God care or does he not care? Do you think he cares or do you think he does not care? the <- "Does god care?" referred to the title of the thread I posted. The "You are wrong, again" was an ambiguous ploy which works wonders on people who dont think

Quote from: Charlie C;341119
You're so obsessed with finding fault that you pick out a few words, read it wrong, and you won't concede the point of the rest of the statement (which I assume you agree with, because you didn't argue with it?)  This whole 'you're wrong, I'm right' thing is a very un-christian arrogance, BTW.

Im not right! If I were right you wouldnt be posting that I was wrong. All Im doing is taking a statement, proposing a counter-statement(except when Im being mean) and waiting interestingly for results
Quote from: Charlie C;341119
I'm out, this has turned into pointless mush.  :sunnies:

Ad-Hominem statement: Evolution wins! It's weeded out the weak!
Quote from: 'frog.;340999
*starts running from Tiwa's wrath*

Yes you're next! But I better have a nap first

Reply #1145 Posted: February 17, 2007, 01:36:37 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

  • Fuck this title in particular.

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Quote from: Prowess;340856
you cant say your a cop and then not inforce the law so why say your a christian and
then say you dont belive what christ says.

You mean what the church says.

All Jesus said was love one another, all the rest is church mumbo jumbo.

To be a Christian just means that you believe Jesus was the sun of God. When it comes down to a persons morals and values and how they live their life, it's should be up to them to chose what they want to believe in, it shouldn't be forced onto them by the church.

Reply #1146 Posted: February 17, 2007, 05:10:25 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

  • Fuck this title in particular.

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Quote from: Prowess;340861
if a gain in information(i am looking at the link) has never happened then evolution is imposible.

But it has happened, because we have had evolution.

Quote from: Prowess;340861
a lose of information is micro evolution and runs with in a spieces never creating
a new spieces.

Now if you actully read my post, the proof is right in there, from Wikipedia "For example, many plant species and some single-celled protists, have genomes much larger than humans."

So a loss of information can create new species.

Quote from: Prowess;340867
what species shares 95% dna.

Humans and chimpanzees

"The development of molecular genetics, and particularly of DNA sequencing, has allowed biologists to study the record of evolution left in organisms' genetic structures. The degrees of similarity and difference in the DNA sequences of modern species allows geneticists to reconstruct their lineages. It is from DNA sequence comparisons that figures such as the 96% genotypic similarity between humans and chimpanzees are obtained."

Quote from: Prowess;340867
we still have no conclusive fossils showing a gradual change

Whales and snakes with hip bones.

"Other examples of vestigial structures include the degenerate eyes of blind cave-dwelling fish, and the presence of hip bones in whales and snakes. Such structures may exist with little or no function in a more current organism, yet have a clear function in an ancestral species. Examples of vestigial structures in humans include wisdom teeth, the coccyx and the vermiform appendix.

These anatomical similarities in extant and fossil organisms can give evidence of the relationships between different groups of organisms. Important fossil evidence includes the connection of distinct classes of organisms by so-called "transitional" species, such as the Archaeopteryx, which provided early evidence for intermediate species between dinosaurs and birds,[36] and the recently-discovered Tiktaalik, which clarifies the development from fish to animals with four limbs.

Quote from: Prowess;340867
mathmaticians have done the caculations on evolution as well concluding there
has not been enough time for all current species to evolve.

Do you have evidence of this?

I'm no mathematician, but I do know 4 billion years is a very long time.

Reply #1147 Posted: February 17, 2007, 05:14:18 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;341314
All Jesus said was love one another, all the rest is church mumbo jumbo.

Im always scared that when Spacemonkey posts it will have something to do with the deliberate flaws I leave in my posts.

Plus Monkeys from space are just so fear inducing anyway

Reply #1148 Posted: February 17, 2007, 06:04:40 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Arnifix

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Reply #1149 Posted: February 18, 2007, 04:54:25 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.