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Show Topics - ZengE

Pages: [1]
Quote from: Gutty
While the server is PvPvE (Player vs Player vs Environment) we don't like raiding, but it is part of the game. Most people discourage it. If you are caught raiding or killing off a players tames, then be prepared for the backlash.

From what I understand, the only way to know who raided/destroyed your base and stole/re-allocated your hard earned 'stuff' is to get an Admin to trawl through the logs (happy to be corrected on this). Exception would be if they kill your tames then you're notified?

Whilst I'm not normally in the game of eye for an eye, I'm also an opportunist who would dearly love to exact some payback on whoever destroyed my house and cleaned me out. Being a relatively quiet and non-aggressive Ark player, this would be on a favorable opportunity basis (i.e. I caught one of them unawares and stabbed them in the back, many many times)

Is it possible to somehow have logs [automatically] parsed to to show those raiding actions in a sticky thread here so we can see who did what to who? As it stands now, unless they do kill a tame, they pretty much remain completely anonymous unless somebody else saw them do it or chat about it.

I get there may be several 'payback' issues but then, if you don't want to face such repercussions, you should consider your actions beforehand.

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