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Show Topics - TheHotDogWarrior

Pages: [1]
Server Bans & Complaints / Complaint about a moderator
« on: May 20, 2016, 09:50:32 pm »
A moderator going under the steam name ''Molikot'' has been harassing me and many other members of the server, He would unrighteously gag me when i joined the game and said hello to my friends. He would also talk shit about me then if i were to reply with a very smart and wise come back he would kick or gag and mute me i feel as if he personally doest suit being a moderator but it is possible that he would improve but i dont appreciate his harassment and the use of his ''Trial mod'' powers and i would appreciate it very much if a higher power in the server would sort him out and smack his buns. I feel as if when he is on i cant play properly and he ruins the joy out of the game with me but even though i might not be as active on the server as i once was me and some others would like action taken against this ''Molikot Trial Mod''

Sincerely and loving your favourite bestyist friend TheHotDogwarrior

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