Topic: Ukraine protests

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Reply #25 Posted: March 03, 2014, 01:17:08 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Reply #26 Posted: March 03, 2014, 02:36:40 pm
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Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Reply #27 Posted: March 03, 2014, 04:15:09 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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There's a fuckload of misinformation flying around, and information that's also true, but well out of context.
It angers me.
The hypocracy angers me.
People judging while not knowing shit angers me.
Swinging from one extreme to the other angers me.

Diplomacy is the way forward.
But while the current interim government is basically denouncing half the population of the country, shit ain't gonna get much better.

We only get stories from the EU supported side here. We only see one side, and one slant. The fact is that half the country are either Russian or of Russian descent. Removing Russian as an official language when about 40% or more of the country speak it as a first language is basically saying "fuck you, you're not Ukranian, get out of our country". It's kinda akin to "fuck you, you're not the master race, have a shower and clean yourself up you filthy bastard." (actually nothing like that at all, but that's the kinda extremist rhetoric we're seeing in the news).

There needs to be a policy that encompasses all, being fair and inclusive. Not exclusive. It's not a power battle between EU and Rus, it's about the Ukranian people.

Facist fuckwits using an opportunity to slip in the middle and shout the loudest doesn't help shit, and basically just sends mixed messages, probably from and to both sides.

And once again America (hurrr durr fuck yeah) has to stick their noses in. They're about as far removed from anything to do with the place, and are extremely hypocritical when pointing the finger at Russia's actions.

Overnight we had reports of Russians giving Ukranian govt. some kind of deadline. That deadline came and went and fucking nothing happened. The media is about as full of shit as the wests general understanding of the situation in the first place.

Aid and all that should be given, sure.
Manipulating the outcome of such events should not be an end goal, as it seems with half the players. Protecting the people but giving them the space to come up with their own result is the goal.

Yet the more other countries stick their noses in, the less this happens, and the more they create a self fufilling prophecy. If this keeps up soon the situation will have fuck all to do with the Ukraine at all.

I'm willing to give the Russians the benefit of the dobut and say they're protecting their kinfolk and preventing escalation. I agree that it's a bold move and perhaps they shouldn't have done it, but for now it's peaceful and not much more. Hopefully shit just stays as is and subsides with time.

I surely hope that the US doesn't move in on the west. The only reason for them to be there is because after 10 long years they've failed to extract oil from the middle east, so are looking to the massive pipeline trucking through the Ukraine from Russia.

Ultimately what really needs to happen is some (minimal) democratic aid, and just leave them to it. So long as no one is killing anyone, just let it unfold.

Extremists serve no one but themselves, and unfortunately every conflict has them. What we don't need is that shit getting mixed in with the truths of the matters at hand. Like you can't just ignore half the country when you have a vote because they'd support the folks you don't like. That's not how democracy works. Nor does it work with some external power saying "vote for this chap". That strategy has shown America to be on the 'wrong side of history' so many times before.

It's gotta happen and it's gotta be by the people for the people. Not by the external influences for the people. Just fucking let it happen and stop worrying IMO.

And it's hardly fucking WW3. The media needs to shut the fuck up with all it's rhetoric.
Western world and EU need to take a leaf out of their own book. Can't have diplomacy while ignoring one of the major players. Russia is repeatedly telling the West what they're doing, and simply being ignored/disbelieved. That's what really makes this situation so tense I think.

Nor is punishing their citizens going to make a government do anything differently. But anyway. Butt out and let it happen IMHO.
Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 09:27:09 am by Pyromanik

Reply #28 Posted: March 05, 2014, 09:03:39 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.


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Lol'd, was actually thinking of this yesterday, and every time I played it how italy is about to give that submarine the boot...

Reply #29 Posted: March 05, 2014, 09:12:19 am

Offline swindle

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This is currently a game of nerves of steel.

Really good subreddit about this -

Also some really good footage and unbiased news information from the ground level. About as raw as reporting gets. This guy deserves a medal.

(there are 5 of these dispatch videos, this is the first)


Reply #30 Posted: March 11, 2014, 04:31:44 pm
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

Offline Tiwaking!

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There's a fuckload of misinformation flying around, and information that's also true, but well out of context.
It angers me.
The hypocracy angers me.
Unfortunately I also believe in Ukraine for Ukrainians, and we've got several recent examples of self-determination for countries, notably: Yugoslavia (now Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) and Czechslovakia (Czech Republic and Slovak Republic)
But to say the Crimea would voluntarily secede to the Russians would be a pretty naive statement. In Ukraine, Russians put fear in you. In Soviet Russia: Fear Putin YOU!

"Since 1654, when the tsars began steadily to extend their control over Ukraine, Ukrainians had lived in two distinct worlds: one ruled by the Russians and the other by Poles or Austrians. As a result of the Second World War, the East/West Ukrainian dichotomy finally ceased to exist, at least on the political level. The process of amalgamation—of unification of two long-separated branches of the Ukrainian people—was not only a major aspect of the post-war period, but an event of epochal significance in the history of Ukraine."
—Orest Subtelny

(there are 5 of these dispatch videos, this is the first)
Jeeze there are some complete thickies in those YouTube comments
"Alexandr Yun16 hours ago
Come on Russia!!! Fuck 'em over boys!!!"
"Kilo Bravo8 hours ago
Its not a Invasion u stupid bastard."
"RexXflash3011 hours ago
It isn't actually a invasion.You should change the title"
"SovietProject198912 hours ago
Krym Pen is our russia territory don't touch Obama!"
"Shas'O Kais2 days ago
Russia is returning her lands back. Do not resist."

Reply #31 Posted: March 11, 2014, 05:02:05 pm
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Offline Pyromanik

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Crimea has the highest Russian population, to the point of being a majority in most places. It's unsurprising that they want aid from 'the motherland' when shit hits the fan, and extreme rights take over the central (Kiev) government and abolish Russian as an official language, amongst other things.

I saw some interesting things in the paper (letters to editor section) with some actual logical thought, not media regurgitation and agreement.
One of them was along the lines of "so Scotland goes independent. UK has several large submarine bases up there, which would obviously stay with the UK. By Scotland going indepenedent they don't automatically claim ownership of everything that side of the border. Now imagine in about 10+ years time shit hits the fan and there's an uprising and civil unrest. Of course the UK would move in to protect it's assets, it would be a fools errand to let things slip away."

Not saying that Russia is necessarially in the right, but at the same time, not necessarilly in the wrong, other than looking extremely bad and having an imposing feeling. Which is all true, sure. But at the same time the west is all "don't vote for that guy, it's not the guy we want!", only without outright saying it.

I think Crimea should stay with Ukraine. I think shit needs to be worked out.
However I think there needs to be a bit more benefit of the doubt given by all sides.

The West never hesitates when sending in 'peace keeping' forces. I view this as a similar thing. Only it emerged before a new leader was injected, so everyone's all upset about the timing.

Which is understandable. But Russia keep iterating the same thing "this is Ukraine's problem. They've gotta sort it out themselves." which is exactly what the West is saying.

The truth of all the matters, who knows. It's a sad state of affairs all round.

youtube comment, since that's the thing to do.
alex kuzmenko2 days ago
nobody is invading your country dip shit. Russia and Ukraine have a contract where Russia can have a certain amount of troops present in Crimea. Why are you so aggressive? The recent conflict arised from recent political/economical issues and not act of aggression from Russia. It is true that Russia does not want EU presence in Ukraine that is why it keep close ties with Ukraine economically as an incentive for Ukrainians not to turn to EU. You sound so trigger happy, but it is for the wrong reasons.
Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 09:13:09 am by Pyromanik

Reply #32 Posted: March 12, 2014, 08:59:10 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Tiwaking!

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We only get stories from the EU supported side here. We only see one side, and one slant. The fact is that half the country are either Russian or of Russian descent. Removing Russian as an official language when about 40% or more of the country speak it as a first language is basically saying "fuck you, you're not Ukranian, get out of our country". It's kinda akin to "fuck you, you're not the master race, have a shower and clean yourself up you filthy bastard." (actually nothing like that at all, but that's the kinda extremist rhetoric we're seeing in the news).
Fistfights in Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, have been a common sight in recent years, certainly before the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovich. A return to brawling on the parliament floor, instead of in the streets outside, might be a sign that the situation in the country is finally stabilizing. On Tuesday, the scuffle occurred toward the end of a speech by Communist Party leader Pyotr Simonenko, who blamed the current crisis on the nationalists.

The MP accused the Kiev government of being passive in the southeastern regions, where people demand that authorities address their social problems and make Russian a second official language.

Simonenko said that the new government is describing the activists seizing administrative buildings in the eastern cities of Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov as “separatists.” And that is while those who were doing exactly the same in western Ukraine before the February coup were referred to as “patriots,” Simonenko said.
I didnt think that Communists still existed. This is 2014 right?

As for Parliament Fights: Ukraine has a long way to go before it catches up with the mighty Taiwan

總統大選2008 Greatest Parliamentary Fights of all time

Reply #33 Posted: April 09, 2014, 12:52:25 pm
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Offline Tiwaking!

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In Free Ukraine, you close to McDonalds
In Soviet Russia, You Close McDonalds

McDonald’s has closed its restaurants in Crimea, citing logistical problems after the region was annexed by Russia. Credit James Hill for The New York Times

Russian laws leave some groups out in the cold. Russia bans methadone to treat heroin addiction, for example. As local supplies dwindle, the daily dosage for 200 patients at the clinic here has been halved.

“It is our death,” said Alexander, 40, declining to identify himself publicly as a recovering addict. Unaware that methadone was illegal in Russia, he voted for annexation.
Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 02:50:59 pm by Tiwaking!

Reply #34 Posted: April 22, 2014, 02:41:46 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

  • Fuck this title in particular.

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Unaware that methadone was illegal in Russia, he voted for annexation.

Hahaha, this guy.

Reply #35 Posted: May 19, 2014, 04:17:00 pm