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Show Topics - Damon1174

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Server Bans & Complaints / Muted...?
« on: April 20, 2016, 05:48:25 pm »

I've been on GetSome for about an hour now, and it appears nobody can hear me talking. I quit TF2 about 3-4 months ago and only just got back into it now. I used to play on getsome quite a decent bit when i was playing TF2. My friend had my account for a wee while back in 2015 so i don't really know what happened, but i've been muted on multiple getsome servers (or at least, I pressume. Nobody can hear me.) May I know the reason why? I'm also requesting and unmute if that's a possibility.


Server Bans & Complaints / I liek mute.
« on: October 06, 2015, 04:12:16 pm »
K, so, Hoboneer muted me. Perma.

Name: Damon1174
Getsome trade server (Plaza mesa, I believe).

I have been spamming in the past, my friend finds it halarious and TBH i dont mind it. But, i've received many wanrings and acknowledged them, and tried to calm down a bit. So, recently, in the past few days, I have been doing a bit of spam. I recived a warning or two and stopped spamming after a bit. (Mic spam, btw). Yesterday, my friend Arie came round and he basically stole my computer for a solid 2 hours to spam on getsome, and I recived a warning from that and told him to: "Oi mayte fak off the waffles are ready". Today however, I logged on simply for the purpose of trading, general conversation and to kill as many people as possible to piss them off. I was advertising my trades nicely, not interupting, and getting a few trades. Hoboneer logged on and I SPECIFICALLY ASKED him, if general coinversation (Ie, talking, "How was yer day" ETC) and he said it was fine, so I did a bit of that. I did do it quite a bit later on, and I was muted for "Screaming and being annoying" I acknowledged this, But I was unable to find where I was screaming. I specifially made sure not to spam today, as I came on for the soul purpose of having fun. He perma muted me, which was, in my opinion, a bit extensive. I do understand I have been the annoying 13 year old faggot on the mic before, but Not today, and I just feel that a perma today for not doing much is a bit extensive.

Luv U Hoboneer no homo u no love me also nohomo why.

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