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Messages - Pyromanik

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General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:30:14 pm »
So many fuck'n optimistic leavers. "Now is the time for open communication and strategy, to negotiate new alliances with member countries".
Yeah, because that'll fuck'n happen. If you voted under that expectation you're a fuck'n mor-wrong.
The world works on knee jerk reactions, misinformation, and underhanded strategies for advantages.

Not that I give a shit, it's great because of the comedy gold that's come out of it. To a far away spectator, it's reasonably amusing and interesting to see what'll happen next at the same time.

Definite trolling, but not sure about the latter. Assuming he does, SM's been around the block for some time.
I actually thought the same thing as I made the post, heh.
Great minds, or predictability of a monkey, or something like that.

Also, that moment when you learn Rallisport Challenge on Xbox used the same engine as BF'42.

For a fair few people across the globe, it involves getting into a car and getting their
drive on.
Whether you're popping tyres drifting, shaving .02 off a lap time, getting the volume
up into the red without noticeable distortion or simply going for a drive, the calming
clarity that comes after such is usually a massive relief.

Do you participate in any kind of show or competition yourself?
Or do you find the tuning process and the road driving does enough for you?

Think he mighta meant BF11, or whatever the fuck they're up to now.

The Battlefield series learnt how to count from Microsoft.


You missed some. So bad at counting they even forgot the number sometimes. A rookie mistake.

Think he mighta meant BF11, or whatever the fuck they're up to now.

So what about this Zen business?
Seems interesting.

Might just tell windows to get fucked and wait it out.
(core dumps is reason for above posts)

Yeah but since like... 2012 all PC's are the same and spending anything more than 'average' is a fuck'n waste for fuck all returns except epeen right?

It's not like we're still living in 2003 where the 'next generation' like, doubled the performance figures.
(thus justifying the spend of the bazillion extra dollars you didn't have)


For CPU, for gaming, that's about 90% accurate. Any decent i5 from the last several generations is ample for most current gaming.
For GPU, it depends on what resolution. 4k is the new frontier where you can spend stupid money but if you only want 1080p then plenty of options
RAM, 8gb is fine for most games, but the flip side is that going up to 16gb costs fuck all more really.
SSD's are cheap as shit now so no excuses not to have all or mostly SSD storage now.

(lower) mid range best range

Thx Lias

Yeah but since like... 2012 all PC's are the same and spending anything more than 'average' is a fuck'n waste for fuck all returns except epeen right?

It's not like we're still living in 2003 where the 'next generation' like, doubled the performance figures.
(thus justifying the spend of the bazillion extra dollars you didn't have)


Computer appears to be on the nearly dead list.
Probably time I upgraded anyway, still running Jonty's old C2D, heh.

What counts as good hardware these days?

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:05:14 pm »
In what context Tiwa?

Well in that case I see your double and raise to a triple.

$59 is even better then $68!

I like this new rise from the ashes like a phoenix dick smith.

was that a dick joke referencing their recent cock up as a double entendre?

Back where life is good.

dafuq is this?

like Slack for even bigger hipster cunts?

Battlefield / Re: Battlefield 5 - Returning to Europe ?
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:50:53 am »
Yeah I thought so.

Battlefield / Re: Battlefield 5 - Returning to Europe ?
« on: June 01, 2016, 10:49:42 pm »
Lias played BF2?

I went out.
I got free drink.
I got free pizza.
I met Soulrolll.
I played with some handcuffs.

*events may not have happened quite in this order.

Sometimes I wonder what that zenuthundah fellow is up to.

Sounds more in line with what I've heard from other reputable sources. I'll keep this in mind for when I feel like I have spare cash and don't yet own enough games I'm unlikely to ever play.

Someone told me multiplayer was a bag of dicks though.

Sometimes it even makes me thing it was a good game.


Well, it WAS a good game! A fucking shocking implementation :S But a good game.

The nostalgia.
oh lawdey.

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