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Show Topics - CSfaith

Pages: [1]
Buy, Sell Or Trade / WTB Diablo 3
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:10:24 am »
Anyone wanting to sell their copy of Diablo 3 ?

Hit me up cheers


Asus Direct CUII 290  The king of cards has arrived. No card can compete with these 290's custom cooled with price vs performance. I will be waiting for the Sapphire edition.

Your thoughts gogo :D

Buy, Sell Or Trade / WTB CPU cooler Christchurch (1150/1155/1156)
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:35:42 am »
WTB CPU cooler Christchurch (1150/1155/1156)


Other Games / Aion 4.0 26th June !
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:06:40 pm »
26th June guys ! Shit gona get real :D

Other Games / Aion 4.0
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:58:15 pm »
Aion 4.0 is up and coming. If you are new to Aion itr is now 100% free to play. Me and Elmo have been jamming again for some time.

I really encourage anyone who is bored nothing to play and just likes fast paced pvp and a very pretty world with a massive active community. Also the grind to 60 is not what it used to be with a new fast track server from 1 - 55 means gaining xp with double from monsters and the likes.

4.0 when released will be massive.

Come join the fun.

Lets face it GW2 pvp was just not cutting the cake.

That is all :D

Other Games / WTB : Diablo 3 account
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:34:21 pm »
As per title, I am looking to purchase another daiblo 3 account. Does not have to have a 60, but having a 60 will help with price :D


My work mates one arrives on Monday. These lil bad boys can run Quake 3 and a shitload more. Perfect for linux users as well. Also the jawdropping price of only $50.00 NZ (what he paid anyway)

Thoughts gogo

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