I don't like Donald Trump, I don't think he's going to be a great president
I think Donald Trump is the greatest American President since Teddy Roosevelt. This is probably because I support self-sufficient isolationist anti-taxation ultra-capitalist anti-immigration (Nah mate, we're full). He is also against giving foreign aid to countries - why does China get foreign aid? Why does India get foreign aid? Both of these countries have space programs. We dont have a space program - why do we give them money? Where did our $90 million to the Ukraine go?
Hopefully Donald Trump throws out all of the anti-oil legislation and gets rid of Electric Vehicles. The American power grid cant handle this EV nonsense - especially if it is driven by Chinese mass dumping their substandarly produced unsafe cheap EV's onto the market globally. The only positives of the Chinesium EV's is it is killing the idiotic woke western car companies who jumped on the government subsidised EV gravy train - the same governments who cant afford to house or employ everyone let alone pay for an incredibly short-sighted corruption ridden failure of environmental policy.
If he can once again drive American petrol prices to below $3 I think no one will be able to stop him being put as one of America's best presidents. There has never been a President who has had so much negative press. According to the media statistics the breakdown of negative to positive media coverage for Donald Trump from 2015 - 2021 was 13% Positive vs 87% Negative / Neutral (split roughly 50/50). Today? Its 87% negative. To put that into perspective: Every day there are 6 articles an hour about Donald Trump. So, out of the roughly 368000 articles over 7 years: 206000 were not negative with 47,000 being positive.
Fast forward to today over two years of media coverage: out of the 105000 articles: 92,0000 are negative. And I wont even start on the absolutely disgraceful "Donald Trump is Hitler" articles - the media outlets who said this should be sued out of existence. Never forget that the report on the Assassination attempt on Donald Trump was reported as "An event" and "Donald Trump experienced a loud noise" and "Fell over".
Lias's views are really interesting especially compared to todays environment - here is Americas current situation:
Abortion - Nobody cares. No one can afford food or housing. The Christian and Religious voting block are happy about the change but it is not going to make a dent in the fertility crisis. People cant afford food, they cant afford housing, they can barely afford to drive to work which pays them to continue to exist and nothing more. 12% of Americans are on food stamps. 35% of them spend everything they earn every week on basic living costs with nothing left for savings. Who is going to have kids in that kind of environment? Put a condom on.
Immigration - You want to be a sanctuary city? Fuck you pay for it yourself! No federal handouts to these crime ridden cesspits. Texas had enough of your liberal whiny shit and pumped your democrat strongholds full of invaders. Why is New York City spending billions of dollars on illegal aliens when it doesnt have a fully functioning police force or space for housing? Even the most bleeding heart hippie leftists are starting to complain, and worse the actually poverty stricken people in these areas are wondering why these dudes who just turned up yesterday are getting more support than the locals who are actual citizens and pay taxes.
Guns - I grew up with guns. Guns are awesome! The New Zealand government has totally fucked over our gun owners to the extent that only criminals have guns now. You have a gun licence in NZ? Fuck you! You are on the criminal list now. Are you a gang member which a massive stockpile of guns stolen from legitimate owners who had a gun licence? Police Sleep. Are you the guy with the gun licence who had your guns stolen? Police FUCK YOU STRAIGHT TO JAIL!!!!
Foreign Policy - Fuck Ukraine! Stop giving them money when they are going to lose and can never possibly win - why is America giving them money when the other NATO countries contribute pennies. Why is Iran killing Americans? Why are American troops being attacked in Syria? Why is America not bombing these countries back to the stone age? Why is America paying companies in China and India to undercut products in America? Why is America subsidising its car industry to ship its manufacturing to Mexico? Why is Mexico and Canada allowed to flood America with fentanyl? Labour in NZ are threatening to pull out ANZUSUK? American Foreign Policy should be and always be -
America Number 1 because Fuck Around and Find Out WhyGay Marriage - considering the divorce rate for this is twice that of other marriages, maybe this wasnt such a great idea. Should stick to civil unions instead.
Trade - As mentioned earlier I am an isolationist anti-taxation ultra-capitalist. Also anti-globalist. China are using Teemu to bypass American tariffs on goods. Tariff everything. American companies want to outsource their manufacturing? You get tariffed. China want to flood America with poor quality substandard goods? Welcome to tariffland. China want to bypass American tariffs by shipping goods to Canada and Mexico first through their free trade agreements and flood the northern and southern borders? FUCK YOU - Canada and Mexico get tariffs!
Hey Europe! Are you having problems selling your goods because China has flooded your market with substandard everything? HAHAHA Fuck you! Also - buy American gas because you cant get cheap Russian gas and American gas costs 3 times as much and you dont have a choice. Thats the American way!
Law and Order -
Pop star Lizzo ripped online after saying ‘the whole country will be like Detroit’ if Kamala winsEnvironment - Trump will do his best to scrap this department.
Education - Trump has scrapped this department.