Topic: 56k dial-up modem optimization

Offline Tiwaking!

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Recently I've been experimenting with various Rates and cl settings. I've actually found that THIS:
cl_updaterate 1 | cl_cmdrate 1 | rate "57344" | cl_rate "3440.64" | cl_interp 0.2

Is the best and most optimal for modems. A unfortunate side-effect is an unrealistic latency in the scoreboard of 5, but I've found that server 2 still displays your REAL ping! If anyone has any VALID comments about their 56k settings please post. I really would love HawkGTF and [hrt] Ranger to change their settings. They're laggy laggy buggers.

No modem bashing allowed and also 'upgrade to adsl' is NOT a valid comment :P

Also I have my less than comprehensive guide here

Retraction: I found out that I stuffed up my RATE on monday. Instead of 5600 I put in 56000. This is why my ping has been in the 1500's lately. In any case I've managed to fix it all. cl_updaterate 1 and cl_cmdrate 1 STILL seem to work with no problems at all, but for a more enjoyable game I now set them to update 30(half my max fps) and cmdrate 20(1/3'rd my fps) respectively

Posted: April 20, 2005, 03:45:28 pm
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Offline Garra

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Ranger is on Woosh wireless (he's my bank mortgage manager so please shoot on sight)

Reply #1 Posted: April 20, 2005, 03:47:43 pm

Offline dirtyape

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roger that, target acquired
 :2GUNS:  :silly:

Reply #2 Posted: April 20, 2005, 04:04:31 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline Growler

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running rates of 1 & 1 is not a good idea..

try running about 15-20

what it means i sthat every second the max data your sendig is 1 packet, or a ping of 1000 so to good pingers you are never where you appear to be, and people will accuse you of "rating" as you can become almost impossible to shoot.

if you are trying to lower your ping for more stable gameplay... i would concentratre mor eon things like dead bodies/bullet marks/blood spray and decal size etc.

PM me if you want more info, you should be able to smooth your gameplay without afecting the othe players... depends what ya want to achieve.

what specs are your computer too? like cpu, ram, grpahics etc, i should be able to give you a few things to add to your cfg top make it run much faster/smoother etc for you.

Reply #3 Posted: April 20, 2005, 04:07:33 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Growler

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Quote from: Garra
Ranger is on Woosh wireless (he's my bank mortgage manager so please shoot on sight)

its weird that, i have woosh's big brother as a connection at work walker wireless, and that has the best ping i have ever seen! pty i cant play from work

Reply #4 Posted: April 20, 2005, 04:08:47 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline Garra

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I played against him the other day, his lag was amazing.  It looked like he was jumping 10 paces at a time.  Real hard to hit

Reply #5 Posted: April 20, 2005, 04:22:02 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Growler: My current rates are cl_cmdrate "60", cl_cmdbackup "4",cl_updaterate "60". They work quite well, BUT I've found no problem using cmdrate and updaterate of 1. Although I've seen people with better connections using them and it does like you say(hard to hit), when I use it on dial-up it doesnt seem to affect accuracy for or against.

Only bad thing seems to be that you cant change your cmdrate and updaterate up again as it makes your ping jump to the 1500's(net_graph 2)

As for my computer: XP 2000/1.67ghz, 1.5gb 400DDR RAM, Geforce 5500(256mb), WinXP. KT4V motherboard. Self-built :D

Reply #6 Posted: April 20, 2005, 06:40:51 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Nostargate

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;17486
Recently I've been experimenting with various Rates and cl settings. I've actually found that THIS:
cl_updaterate 1 | cl_cmdrate 1 | rate "57344" | cl_rate "3440.64" | cl_interp 0.2

Is the best and most optimal for modems. A unfortunate side-effect is an unrealistic latency in the scoreboard of 5, but I've found that server 2 still displays your REAL ping! If anyone has any VALID comments about their 56k settings please post. I really would love HawkGTF and [hrt] Ranger to change their settings. They're laggy laggy buggers.

No modem bashing allowed and also 'upgrade to adsl' is NOT a valid comment :P

Also I have my less than comprehensive guide here

Retraction: I found out that I stuffed up my RATE on monday. Instead of 5600 I put in 56000. This is why my ping has been in the 1500's lately. In any case I've managed to fix it all. cl_updaterate 1 and cl_cmdrate 1 STILL seem to work with no problems at all, but for a more enjoyable game I now set them to update 30(half my max fps) and cmdrate 20(1/3'rd my fps) respectively

And how is this working for you?

Reply #7 Posted: January 25, 2013, 08:50:03 pm

Offline Bell

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And so the nerco wars began

Reply #8 Posted: January 25, 2013, 09:14:22 pm

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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He's still a laggy as bugger.

Reply #9 Posted: January 25, 2013, 09:17:20 pm

Offline Bounty Hunter

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Hahahaha I did this to a tattoo thread the other day but I don't think my humour was received as satire, just slight awkwardness.

Reply #10 Posted: January 29, 2013, 11:15:00 pm
"We are the majority we arent the tards, the people we pick on are." -Luse_K

Offline pix

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Necro dig - I can't believe you bastards are still around.

Reply #11 Posted: March 09, 2013, 07:17:53 pm
I still call it ICONZ.

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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It better check out his comprehensive guide on geocities.

Oh the good old 56k modem.

Reply #12 Posted: March 16, 2013, 06:01:12 am