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Messages - vedds

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true - bet you will get in trouble with your missus if you drive it to work quick with no rego. after you get it from the storage place that you cant take pics of it from cos its hard to get to.

/pisstake mode

Does anyone know where you can buy one of those blokes toilet backs that unzip and have the wee hook to hang them up from and a wee mirror so you can shave? Cannot find one anywhere and my old one is hanging together by a thread - literally.

can u put up pics of it from before it was in nz off the past owners forum posts tho br4? im sure it will be on the first page of google image search, just by coincidence.
that way you can refuse to post pics of the engine or license pl8 cos you lost ur ferarri stolen from ur garage after you put up pics of ur porshe?


Quote from: Chilli;1515627
^ brennos (who I think is someone in here tbh, but checks will tell I guess) has his panties in a big bunch cause hes TELLING me to post them, fuck him and fuck anyone else that demands them
YEah fuck anyone asking you to prove an outrageous claim that has no substance. And fuck them for showing your excuses as to why you couldnt post the pics as pure BS. Good on you for standing up to people who dont believe another of your outrageous lies by not quickly taking a quick snap that could restore some semblance of credibility, but instead choosing to justify their skepticism by trying to take the moral high ground and not CAVE IN to the demands. I mean theres no reason why anyone should doubt the veracity of youre statements is there?
Of course theres the small fact thats its a car you found on google image search and then lied about owning.

Quote from: Chilli;1515382
Wtf man, leave what I  'supposedly' did out of it, emotions aside bro.

THeres no supposedly, You did it. Youre a vile little man that has attempted to impersonate me, login to other members accounts and posted over the top shit about grieving for someone you never met while sending his clanmate disgusting anonymous rep comments from another account.

Oh and lying compulsively. And pretending to be someone youre not.

But hey, Welcome back all is forgiven [/tuiad]
Quote from: Codex;1515560
You're in the team working towards fibre roll out? Then why would you post the above? Really doesn't inspire confidence in the services tcl are providing if you're invovled.

Changing your story again to suit the lie you've been caught out on? Why do you even bother spouting this bullshit chilli? The only partly true thing above is some outer areas being with worldxchange currently, although plans to unbundle those areas have been in the works for some time now. The new subdivisions aren't locked down if within enables fibre mapping either.

Just to clarify, TCL dropkicked his sorry ass to the dole queue years ago - for posting commercially sensitive information online in the hope of getting teh rep/karma/whatevers on a forum.

Unfortunately it appears TNZ/CHorus are too desperate for monkeys to tap keyboards that they hired this fool.

Quote from: Thor;1513524
TCL cable (on-net customer) would be very awesome. Heard nothing but praise for it    O_o

Was that before you got sacked by TCL or after?

Saw it in London a few years ago - dont think ive ever laughed as much at muppets.

Quote from: Emrico1;1502607

Reminded me of this absolute jewel I first saw on usenet in teh 90s"

The Steakhouse Incident
Now, I know that there is a lot of embellishment that occurs on this group and I am aware that a small number of things are perhaps sheer fabrication, but I have a story to tell that is the absolute truth. Funniest damn thing that has ever happened to me.

A couple of weeks ago we decided to cruise out to Ryan's Steakhouse for dinner. It was a Wednesday night which means that macaroni and beef was on the hot bar, indeed the only night of the week that it is served. Wednesday night is also kid's night at Ryan's, complete with Dizzy the Clown wandering from table to table entertaining the little bastards. It may seem that the events about to be told have little connection to those two circumstances, but all will be clear in a moment.

We went through the line and placed our orders for the all-you-can-eat hot bar then sat down as far away from the front of the restaurant as possible in order to keep the density of kids down a bit. Then I started my move to the hot bar. Plate after plate of macaroni and beef were consumed that evening, I tell you -- in all, four heaping plates of the pseudo-Italian ambrosia were shoved into my belly. I was sated. Perhaps a bit too much, however.

I had not really been feeling well all day, what with a bit of gas and such. By the time I had eaten four overwhelmed plates of food, I was in real trouble. There was so much pressure on my diaphragm that I was having trouble breathing. At the same time, the downward pressure was building. At first, I thought it was only gas which could have been passed in batches right at the table without to much concern. Unfortunately, that was not to be. After a minute or so it was clear that I was dealing with explosive diarrhea. It's amazing how grease can make its way through your intestines far faster than the food which spawned the grease to begin with, but I digress...

I got up from the table and made my way to the bathroom. Upon entering, I saw two sinks immediately inside the door, two urinals just to the right of the sinks, and two toilet stalls against the back wall. One of them was a handicapped bathroom. Now, normally I would have gone to the handicapped stall since I like to stretch out a bit when I take a good shit, but in this case, the door lock was broken and the only thing I hate worse than my wife telling me to stop cutting my toenails with a pair of diagonal wire cutters is having someone walk in on me while I am taking a shit. I went to the normal stall.

In retrospect, I probably should have gone to the large, handicapped stall even though the door would not lock because that bit of time lost in making the stall switch proved to be a bit too long under the circumstances. By the time I had walked into the regular stall, the pressure on my ass was reaching Biblical proportions.

I began "The Move."

For those women who may be reading this, let me take a moment to explain "The Move." Men know exactly what their bowels are up to at any given second. And when the time comes to empty the cache, a sequence of physiological events occur that can not be stopped under any circumstances. There is a move men make that involves simultaneously approaching the toilet, beginning the body turn to position ones ass toward said toilet, hooking ones fingers into ones waistline, and pulling down the pants while beginning the squat at the same time. It is a very fluid motion that, when performed properly, results in the flawless expulsion of shit at the exact same second that ones ass is properly placed on the toilet seat. Done properly, it even assures that the choad is properly inserted into the front rim of the toilet in the event that the piss stream lets loose at the same time; it is truly a picture of coordination rivaling that of a skilled ballet dancer.

I was about half-way into "The Move" when I looked down at the floor and saw a pile of vomit that had been previously expelled by one of those little bastards attending kids night; it was mounded up in the corner so I did not notice it when I had first walked into the stall. Normally, I would not have been bothered by such a thing, but I had eaten so much and the pressure upward was so intense, that I hit a rarely experienced gag reflex. And once that reflex started, combined with the intense pressure upward caused by the bloated stomach, four plates of macaroni and beef started coming up for a rematch. What happened next was so quick that the exact sequence of events are a bit fuzzy, but I will try to reconstruct them as best I can.

In that moment of impending projectile vomiting, my attention was diverted from the goings-on at the other end. To put a freeze frame on the situation, I was half crotched down to the toilet, pants pulled down to my knees, with a load of vomit coming up my esophagus. Now, most of you know that vomiting takes precedence over shit no matter what is about to come slamming out of your ass. It is apparently an evolutionary thing since shitting will not kill you, but vomiting takes a presence of mind to accomplish so that you do not aspirate any food into the bronchial tubes and perhaps choke to death. My attention was thus diverted.

At that very split second, my ass exploded in what can only be described as a know, as in a newspaper headline along the lines of "30,000 Killed In Wake of Typhoon Fifi" or something similar. In what seemed to be most suitably measured in cubic feet, an enormous plug of shit the consistency of thick mud with embedded pockets of greasy liquid came flying out of my ass. But remember, I was only half-way down on the toilet at that moment. The shit wave was of such force and of just such an angle in relation to the back curve of the toilet seat that it ricocheted off the back of the seat and slammed into the wall at an angle of incidence equal to the angle at which it initially hit the toilet seat. Then I sat down.

Recall that when that event occurred, I was already half-way to sitting anyway and had actually reached the point of no return. I have always considered myself as relatively stable gravitationally, but when you get beyond a certain point, you're going down no matter how limber you may be. Needless to say, the shit wave, though of considerable force, was not so sufficient so as to completely glance off the toilet seat and deposit itself on the walls, like what you would see when hitting a puddle with a high-pressure water hose; even though you throw water at the puddle, the puddle gets moved and no water is left to re-form a puddle. There was a significant amount of shit remaining on about one-third of the seat rim which I had now just collapsed upon.

Now, back to the vomit...

While all the shitting was going on, the vomit was still on its way up. By the time I had actually collapsed on the toilet, my mouth had filled up with a goodly portion of the macaroni and beef I had just consumed. OK, so what does the human body instinctively do when vomiting? One bends over. So I bent over. I was still sitting on the toilet, though. Therefore, bending over resulted in me placing my head above my now slightly-opened legs, positioned in between my knees and waist. Also directly above my pants which were now pulled down to a point just midway between my knees and my ankles. Oh, did I mention that I was wearing not just pants, but sweat pants with elastic on the ankles.

In one mighty push, some three pounds of macaroni and beef, two or three Cokes, and a couple of Big, Fat Yeast Rolls were deposited in my pants...on the inside...with no ready exit at the bottom down by my feet.

In the next several seconds, there were a handful of farts, a couple of turds, and the event ended, yet I was now sitting there with my pants full of vomit, my back covered in shit that had bounced off the toilet, spattered on three ceramic-tiled walls to a height of about five feet, and still had enough force to come back at me, covering the back of my shirt with droplets of liquid shit. All while thick shit was spread all over my ass in a ring curiously in the shape of a toilet seat.

And there was no fucking toilet paper.

What could I do but laugh. I must have sounded like a complete maniac to the guy who then wandered into the bathroom. He actually asked if I was OK since I was laughing so hard I must have sounded like I was crying hysterically. I calmed down just enough to ask him if he would get the manager. And told him to have the manager bring some toilet paper. When the manager walked in, he brought the toilet paper with him, but in no way was prepared for what happened next. I simply told him that there was no way I was going to explain what was happening in the stall, but that I needed several wet towels and I needed him to go ask my wife to come help me. I told him where we were sitting and he left. At that point, I think he was probably assuming that I had pissed just a bit in my pants or something similarly benign.

About two minutes later, my wife came into the bathroom not knowing what was wrong and with a certain amount of worry in her voice. I explained to her (still laughing and having trouble getting out words) that I had a slight accident and needed her help. Knowing that I had experienced some close calls in the past, she probably assumed that I had laid down a small turd or something and just needed to bring the car around so we could bolt immediately. Until I asked her, I'm sure she had no idea that she was about to go across the street and purchase me new underwear, new socks, new pants, a new shirt, and (by that time due to considerable leakage around the elastic ankles thingies) new sneakers. And she then started to laugh herself since I was still laughing. She began to ask for an explanation as to what had happened when I promised her that I would tell her later, but that I just needed to handle damage control for the time being. She left.

The manager then came back in with a half-dozen wet towels and a few dry ones. I asked him to also bring a mop and bucket upon which he assured me that they would clean up anything that needed to be cleaned. Without giving him specific details, I explained that what was going on in that stall that night was far in excess of what I would expect anyone to deal with, what with most of the folks working at Ryan's making minimum wage of just slightly above. At that moment, I think it dawned on him exactly the gravity of the situation. Then that manager went so far above the call of duty that I will be eternally grateful for his actions. He hooked up a hose.

Fortunately, commercial bathrooms are constructed with tile walls and tile floors and have a drain in the middle of the room in order to make clean up easy. Fortunately, I was in a commercial bathroom. He hooked up the hose to the spigot located under the sink as I began cleaning myself up with the wet towels. Just as I was finishing, my wife got back with the new clothes and passed them into the stall, whereupon I stuffed the previously worn clothing into the plastic bag that came from the store, handing the bag to my wife. I finished cleaning myself off and carefully put on my new clothes, still stuck in the stall since I figured that it would be in bad taste to go out of the stall to get redressed in the event I happened to be standing there naked and some little bastard kid walked in. At that point, I had only made a mess; I had not yet committed a felony and intended to keep it that way.

When I finished getting dressed, I picked up the hose and cleaned up the entire stall, washing down the remains toward the drain in the center of the room. I put down the hose and walked out of the bathroom. I had intended to go to the manager and thank him for all he had done, but when I walked out, three of the management staff were there to greet me with a standing ovation. I started laughing so hard that I thought I was going to throw up again, but managed to scurry out to the car where my wife was now waiting to pick me up by the front door.

The upshot of all this is that I strongly recommend eating dinner at Ryan's Steak House. They have, by far, the nicest management staff of any restaurant in which I have eaten.


General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: June 16, 2011, 06:06:08 pm »
Quote from: Aloysius;1391550
Any GetSome Chch members in the process of moving or buying/selling house?
Rumour is that the insurance companies are baulking again at granting insurance policies to people moving into a new(by new I mean its new for the owners, rather than just built) house in chch.

The 3rd hand account I heard is family A have insurance with tower for house X, are moving into house Y shortly. After the earthquakes on Mon, tower have declined to insure family A in house Y. Obviously there are legal remedies available depending on the facts of the case. But its still disgusting to hear imo. No doubt it has a lot to do with re-insurance stuff. Under its present owners house Y is insured by AMI. AMI may accept a policy for the same house but different owners.

I know there was a lot of trouble with insurance companies with the earlier quakes, mostly resolved now except for those arsehole clauses making the news currently, but anyone heard, seen, read  something similar to the above?

Ive been working on moving back to CHCH for almost a year, and will finally be able to move int eh next few weeks, but have been told im pretty unlikely to get insurance on a newly purchased house and that if I do its going to have so many loopholes its probably not worth having.
Subsequently im having to look at renting :(

General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:42:51 pm »
Quote from: tono14;1390637
Took me 3 hours to get home..........

Yeah I used to have a car like that too....

Stoke gold is good - but I must say my tipple of choice lately is single source. It is overpriced though.

so anyway, Im moving to chch in 6 weeks, looking for somehwere to live (dont want to kick out the tenant - hes a mate and good at paying rent) what do i need to know before looking for a house?

Was planning to buy another place but quite keen to hold off for a year or so to see whether things settle down, not sure whether to flat for 12 months or just get a pad to myself. Thinking somewhere in the pap/stalbans area. should i reconsider? I just kind of get the feeling there are probably lots of indicators of a bad spot that will stick out like dogs balls to someone that been down there over the last 8 months that ill miss and dont want to get caught out...

Thats me now - my nipples are hairier & i roll with more bling TBH
(really just wanted to quote that pic)
Im also not sure if im chilli.

General Chat / Japanese Earthquake! 8.9 - 10km deep
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:38:32 pm »
Quote from: kookynic;1375261
if you shat your-self, would you immediatly take a photo of it?

No, you wouldn't

in that sorta situation you wouldnt even stop to clean it, you'd get to safety


Fuck YEah Won lotto last night!


General Chat / Japanese Earthquake! 8.9 - 10km deep
« on: April 09, 2011, 10:43:25 pm »
Quote from: kookynic;1374977
7.1mag     2011/04/07 14:32:42      LAT 38.253, LONG 141.640, DEPTH 49.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

My friend Lee-Ann literally shat herself

Got pics? that shit is niche, literally....

Quote from: TofuEater;1374288
Yeah, make it the 6th May - i'm in your town, fuckers. :P

I'll try and manipulate a work trip so I can make it then too :D

General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:49:35 pm »
Grim raises a good point.

While we've all had great times at the dux and many great memories, and would hate to see it come down it is essential that sentimentality doesn't cause people to die in the future.

As of 5pm I'm officially unemployed.

Feels good man.

Party ends on Monday morning though with new job.

Battlefield / BF2 Warfare Wednesday Round 2: SLAMM vs INFERIUM
« on: March 31, 2011, 08:36:22 pm »

Love mashy

Sports / Fitness / Cricket Thread
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:04:03 am »
Sounds uncomfortable...

I would be giving those things both freaking barrels, fuck shooting them with a camera....

Planes, Trains & Automobiles / What did you do to your vehicle today?
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:10:34 pm »
Quote from: Donkey;1371807
$1/liter? Really? Surely those things must have at least an 80 liter tank?

Fucking loved owning a 250cc motorbike. Use to cost $20 to fill and that'd last about 200-300km's.

59 litre tank on my bf, thing the wagon has a bigger tank iirc

Planes, Trains & Automobiles / ***NOTE ABOUT INSURANCE***
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:43:21 pm »
Quote from: DeeUnit;1372158
He's 15, leave him alone.

 And this is why he needs to be told:
Quote from: Scorched_onion;1372188
Still an unmodified car hurrr

Hurrr - may be heavily modified, but not in ways that show in its appearance - duuurrr

Sports / Fitness / Cricket Thread
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:28:59 pm »
Quote from: toofast;1371687
Well australia didn't put up enough runs on the board really. If they had 20-30 more, the game would of been a lot closer. So its not like india are unbeatable. Though i am picking a SL vs India final.

Sorry to be a prick, but that makes me laugh :P "if australia scored more runs than india they would have won" :D

But yes, youre right, to be honest I think there was a little selfish batting from you know who that probably kept them shy of a competative total.

General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:20:35 pm »
^meh its like looters. shoot the first one on live TV and let everyone see the brain splatter - problem solved.

Seriously though - those people are very short sighted. if people arent let in in a controlled manner the chances are vandals/theives will exacerbate teh very situation that is frustrating them. and then theres the issue of their own personal safety...

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