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Show Topics - Darkbloodyknight

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Server Bans & Complaints / Darkbloodyknight Ban Appeal
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:59:35 pm »
The Game: TF2
Your game name: Darkbloodyknight
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143087356
The time you tried to connect and got the error: Yesterday
Any info on why you were banned: I was on one of the Saxton Hale servers in a 3v1. We had a guy with amazing accuracy/aim.
Then we started saying hes using aimbot (of course we were joking). While we were talking, one of them said "where are they from" (the "hacks"). I said He got it from, i was about to say joking but then i got banned by the console.
I know what i have done wrong but I really have nothing to do lately, These servers are really fun for me and I would love to go back on it. Thanks


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