Topic: Bloody Students!

Offline Retardobot

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Quote from: The Demon Lord;1487197
I think you missed the wood for the Tree


Reply #25 Posted: May 25, 2012, 05:04:46 pm

Offline Aloysius

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Student graduates. The only class in New Zealand National does not fear to openly increase taxes on.
How annoying it is that some people protest such targeting.

Reply #26 Posted: May 25, 2012, 05:18:16 pm

Offline NZFez

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The problem with NZ students is they expect everything to be handed to them, I am currently studying a BE Hons, my parents earn to much for me to get a student allowance, but they don't earn enough to fully support me, and the living costs loan that I get is not enough to even cover my rent with having to live in auckland. But you don't see me out on the street protesting and complaining that the government isn't doing enough to support me, no I instead I went and found a part time job that allows me to cover my cost of living, sure I don't get much time free between doing an engineering degree and part time work but shit life ain't easy and people need to stop being lazy sacks of shit and get on with it instead of complaining.

Reply #27 Posted: May 25, 2012, 05:39:46 pm

Offline BerG

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I like you Fez.

Reply #28 Posted: May 25, 2012, 06:01:50 pm

Offline Spigalau

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Fez - what type of engineering do you want to do ?  With your positive attitude I can see many any employer wanting you on thier books.

Reply #29 Posted: May 25, 2012, 06:21:31 pm
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Offline NZFez

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I am doing mechanical engineering at AUT.

Reply #30 Posted: May 25, 2012, 06:40:51 pm

Offline Demandred

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My student Loan I got was paid back for alarge chunk when they attracted interest. A BBS degree wasnt cheap but also wasnt a engineering or mdeical degree - still paying interest each year when I started out in the workforce hurt like hell.

So I feel for you poor poor students that get to get a degree that will only benefit you and your family in the long run with no interest.

and everyone has to do the time and work up the professional ladder - those that expect to walk into a high paying job straight out of Uni have been on too many pub crawls

To those of you that work hard at what you do because you know what you need to do - well done

Reply #31 Posted: May 25, 2012, 08:35:24 pm

Offline kookynic

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Quote from: NZFez;1487212
The problem with NZ students is they expect everything to be handed to them.
Problem there is, if your parents went to University, It was handed to them free, on a silver platter, with cherries

Quote from: NZFez;1487212
my parents earn to much for me to get a student allowance, but they don't earn enough to fully support me, and the living costs loan that I get is not enough to even cover my rent

Same for me when studying in Wellington. I saved 13k working in 6th-7th form. After first year I had to sell my Car, my Brothers Car (Good Story Here) and most of my Guns. :(

Reply #32 Posted: May 25, 2012, 09:04:36 pm

Offline NZFez

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Quote from: kookynic;1487227
Problem there is, if your parents went to University, It was handed to them free, on a silver platter, with cherries

I don't know what the situation was for when my parents went to university, but that is completely irrelevant as it was not in New Zealand as they and I are not New Zealand born. But for people to use that excuses because my parents got a free pass to university I should too is complete bullshit, times change economies change everything changes and because something was available to people 20-30 odd years ago doesn't mean that it can be available now and that is a huge problem in New Zealand everyone makes comparison to something in the past or other countries and they always look at the small picture which benefits them instead of the complete picture. I am sure it was viable back then to give university education for free, but back then I am sure the government had a lot more money available to do it as it wasn't supporting so many people with benefits, that was because back then everyone worked and worked hard because they knew if you want anything in life you had to work for it. But in today's society everyone expects everything to be handed to them, that is why the government can't give free university to students because they are to busy spending money on supporting everyone else who is too lazy to work for what they want, and expects it to be given to them.

Quote from: kookynic;1487227
Same for me when studying in Wellington. I saved 13k working in 6th-7th form. After first year I had to sell my Car, my Brothers Car (Good Story Here) and most of my Guns. :(

That really surprises me, because I started uni with no savings and $14000 in debt and sure I had to sell a few things of mine that weren't necessary but I never had to consider selling my car or anything substitutional like that. I don't know what situation you were in which caused you to consume $13000 of savings plus around $7000 of living cost loans (assuming you used it) in a year as well as having to sell 2 cars and your guns but that is about the same amount of money that what I was earning in a full time job above minimum wage which would say to me that you where living outside of you means, and is more money than what I will have used to support myself living in Auckland this year, which would be the most expensive place to in New Zealand for a student.

Reply #33 Posted: May 25, 2012, 10:14:15 pm

Offline Retardobot

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I don't think Kooky was arguing that he/we should get it because our parents did. It's just that the common argument is "students are lazy shits and should stop asking for free shit" when not too long ago, students were given loans to do as they wanted. They could go out and buy cars and houses. I know of people that would get a student loan, put it in the bank and let it gain interest.

It's of relevance because those people throwing shit at students are usually the older demographic who were the ones getting student loans with no system in place that governed the spending of that student loan.

Also, tertiary education is getting pricier and pricier. I left 4 years of study with a 50K bill, and what I studied has since gone up in price.

Reply #34 Posted: May 25, 2012, 10:28:01 pm

Offline NZFez

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Quote from: Retardobot;1487234
when not too long ago, students were given loans to do as they wanted. They could go out and buy cars and houses. I know of people that would get a student loan, put it in the bank and let it gain interest..

And because of this abuse the system was changed and is still being changed.

Reply #35 Posted: May 25, 2012, 10:48:56 pm

Offline kookynic

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Quote from: NZFez;1487231
I don't know what the situation was for when my parents went to university, but that is completely irrelevant as it was not in New Zealand as they and I are not New Zealand born. But for people to use that excuses because my parents got a free pass to university I should too is complete bullshit, times change economies change everything changes and because something was available to people 20-30 odd years ago doesn't mean that it can be available now and that is a huge problem in New Zealand everyone makes comparison to something in the past or other countries and they always look at the small picture which benefits them instead of the complete picture. I am sure it was viable back then to give university education for free, but back then I am sure the government had a lot more money available to do it as it wasn't supporting so many people with benefits, that was because back then everyone worked and worked hard because they knew if you want anything in life you had to work for it. But in today's society everyone expects everything to be handed to them, that is why the government can't give free university to students because they are to busy spending money on supporting everyone else who is too lazy to work for what they want, and expects it to be given to them.

That really surprises me, because I started uni with no savings and $14000 in debt and sure I had to sell a few things of mine that weren't necessary but I never had to consider selling my car or anything substitutional like that. I don't know what situation you were in which caused you to consume $13000 of savings plus around $7000 of living cost loans (assuming you used it) in a year as well as having to sell 2 cars and your guns but that is about the same amount of money that what I was earning in a full time job above minimum wage which would say to me that you where living outside of you means, and is more money than what I will have used to support myself living in Auckland this year, which would be the most expensive place to in New Zealand for a student.

What retardo said, i wasnt trying to argue with you.

When you study Industrial design (Product design), out of  the $800-1000 you pay per paper, none of it goes toward your projects materials and process costs.

Building Prototypes is FUCKING EXPENSIVE. I'd build one Prototype every 3-4weeks per paper @ a cost of $600-3000. I had 3 papers per Trimester, sometimes 4.
You see where the money went?

Reply #36 Posted: May 25, 2012, 10:57:35 pm

Offline NZFez

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Quote from: kookynic;1487242
What retardo said, i wasnt trying to argue with you.

When you study Industrial design (Product design), out of  the $800-1000 you pay per paper, none of it goes toward your projects materials and process costs.

Building Prototypes is FUCKING EXPENSIVE. I'd build one Prototype every 3-4weeks per paper @ a cost of $600-3000. I had 3 papers per Trimester, sometimes 4.
You see where the money went?

Yes I do and that is why it surprised me that you had gone through so much money. Now I get where you are coming from, well done for your dedication with sticking with your degree and completing it, hopefully all that sacrifice pays off in the future.

Reply #37 Posted: May 25, 2012, 11:07:48 pm

Offline kookynic

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The worst part about throwing so much money into projects, theres no money for anything else, rent/power/internet/food <- I'm still a fat cnut?

Having to call your Parents each time your flat broke is probably the most gut wrenching feeling for me. I imagine almost as bad a feeling for Police when they have to inform someone of a death.

Reply #38 Posted: May 25, 2012, 11:17:25 pm

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Quote from: kookynic;1487227
I saved 13k working in 6th-7th form. After first year I had to sell my Car, my Brothers Car (Good Story Here) and most of my Guns. :(

I find all this talk about student budgeting/course costs really interesting!

With the zero fees scheme at the Southern Institute of Technology a Bachelor of Information Technology degree costs (roughly) $1800/year.

Three years = 3*1800 = $5400

Huge yearly attrition rates though. From an initial class of 120 students approximately 12 will actually end up graduating.

Reply #39 Posted: May 26, 2012, 12:09:08 am
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline private_hell

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i have no issues with the govt increasing my repayment rate for my loan - infact i would prefer it if they switched my tax and student loan repayments around - that way the loan gets paid off faster and the tax they get once i have finished paying off the loan will be higher

Reply #40 Posted: May 26, 2012, 12:23:32 am
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

Offline D_Unit

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I thought the herald summed it up quite nicely when interviewing a student about to enter post-grad study: "With this new budget, I might have to even get a part-time job or something.

Parents earn too much for me to get that free student allowance, drive to uni everyday, work part-time, study inbetween, last year of study this year, aching to get a full-time job.

Those kids out in the street had nothing better to do, and actually skipped classes to protest about not getting free money for studying. Yeah ok.

National getting hammered for cleaning up Labours fuckups since ages ago.

Reply #41 Posted: May 26, 2012, 10:11:27 am

Offline NZFez

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The actual students who are serious about their degrees and futures where at lectures and doing work instead of making it extremely difficult for people trying to get home, which is another thing that pisses me off about that protest, there were plenty of other places were they could have staged the protest like Albert park or Aotea square, not blocking a busy intersection.

Reply #42 Posted: May 26, 2012, 10:22:46 am

Offline D_Unit

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Glad I don't go to auckland.

Reply #43 Posted: May 26, 2012, 10:40:10 am

Offline toofast

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It amazing how everyone expects to get handouts. I know plenty of people who didn't get student allowance, but at the same time their parents were really supporting them, and they got by fine with a part time job, working hard in the end of year break, and using their savings cleverly. I mean using the $150 you can get a week, plus $100 odd on the top from a part time job (which is really only 1-2 shifts), plus say $5k made from working in the summer, you can do fine. Assuming you dont have outrageous expenses like kooky.

Reply #44 Posted: May 26, 2012, 01:29:47 pm

Offline camy205

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7k loan, part time night shift job, still live at home though.
So glad I don't have a 60k loan or anything ridiculous like that, I have no problem with what the increase tbh.

Reply #45 Posted: May 26, 2012, 02:24:16 pm
Quote from: Craigorsarus;1484182
GetSome Thread - Generic Timeline:

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Offline Black Heart

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$0k loan, didn't bother with any type or form of tertiary education. To be honest I think the govt taking action to discourage people from tertiary is about time, many don't truly benefit from it, are doing it out of a feeling of necessity rather than interest in a subject. Being overqualified for a minimum wage job is hardly a satisfying feeling. The loan part is salt in the wound sure, but becoming a student is not mandatory.

Reply #46 Posted: May 26, 2012, 09:17:54 pm

Offline D_Unit

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Quote from: Black Heart;1487330
$0k loan, didn't bother with any type or form of tertiary education. To be honest I think the govt taking action to discourage people from tertiary is about time, many don't truly benefit from it, are doing it out of a feeling of necessity rather than interest in a subject. Being overqualified for a minimum wage job is hardly a satisfying feeling. The loan part is salt in the wound sure, but becoming a student is not mandatory.

I don't think the move discourages tertiary study, just stops idiots from chopping and changing all day everyday with their degrees.

Reply #47 Posted: May 27, 2012, 06:57:07 pm

Offline mattnz

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This is pretty good news. I was just thinking that we need to make it harder for people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to become doctors.

Reply #48 Posted: May 27, 2012, 07:11:41 pm
Now that you have read this, plz give me neg rep :>

Offline Black Heart

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is that a thread you want to pull at? How many poor people became doctors when tertiary education was free ? There are programs set up to benefit ethnic minorities already with lower requirements to enter/pass, guess how that is turning out. lots more enrollments, no more graduates. Thank god for immigrant doctors.

Reply #49 Posted: May 27, 2012, 08:03:44 pm