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Messages - Retardobot

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General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:02:36 pm »
Design company-wide christmas card.
Thousands of copies produced along with clear-ink vanish.
Printery floor manager comes up to studio to give me a sample - "Here's the printed card, there's this smudge that's on all the cards, they've been printed, what would you like me to do".

Uh, are you kidding me? You didn't proof me a physical copy and ALL THE CARDS HAVE BEEN PRINTED WITH THIS ERROR AND YOU'RE ONLY TELLING ME NOW?

Thanks bro. Thanks for not doing your job.

Intellectual Discussion / Re: The state of segregation in New Zealand.
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:29:07 pm »
idiots gonna idiot.

The guy attracts the usual dredge so I'm not surprised here.

Other Games / Re: RAINBOW 6 Closed betaq access (pastebin)
« on: September 29, 2015, 10:29:41 am »
Decided not to touch it.

"No SP campaign".

This coupled with the constant dumbing down and the pushed out release dates for The Division I believe that the Tom Clancy franchise is now destined for mediocrity.

Console / Re: Destiny
« on: September 29, 2015, 10:00:23 am »
I've gotten a surge in 295 gear.

You wouldn't have been playing it wrong. You start getting drops based on your light level.

If you gear up on everything that gives you the highest possible light level before you cash in your engrams, the engrams you decode will be based on your light level.

Also, in the weekends, go to Xur (get an app called Where's Xur) as he is in different places each weekend. You can buy 3 of Coins (you get 5 each time) from him that will give you greater chances at having an exotic drop from an ultra (bosses, not captains - majors).

Just know that you can only wear one piece of exotic at a time (saved up and bought a sweet helm when I already had exotic gauntlets and learnt the hard way I couldn't wear 2 at a time, wasted resources).

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 29, 2015, 09:14:44 am »
God, I wish they would have made a second type - 'spade of thiefs'.

Open back door. Let them go at it.

Not that I'd do that in your position either. But sometimes I just feel like cunts gotta be shown that they're cunts.

Have had cats die from abscesses brought on by fights. Not the best idea but see where you're coming from.

He was marking the house due to the neighbour's cat.

Neighbour's cat wouldn't leave the back door and kept hounding him. They'd both square off on either side of the door with them both having a piss war.

Well, that was a shit weekend.

Go to SPCA, adopt cat. SPCA say he is quiet and would love a quiet home as an indoor cat, sounds perfect.

Bring cat home - pisses everywhere for 48hrs straight and wont stop howling. Kept us up since Saturday. Turns out he wants to be outside - bad, like, climb the mesh security door bad. We have a tiny property, not ideal for outdoor animals, tiny front yard with no backyard. Can't handle him, take him back to SPCA.

Feels shit mang.

Intellectual Discussion / Re: THe Flag thread.
« on: September 25, 2015, 02:24:41 pm »

If you draw a line between the bottom of the south island, and the top of the north island - NZ is a triangle
If you look at our Mountain Ranges - they are made up of Triangles
If you look at our boat builders - the hulls look like triangles.
If you look at our national sport (Rugby) - a Rugby ball is pretty much 2 triangles stuck together.
If you look at NZ - the Letters N and Z are pretty much made up of 2 triangles apeice.

Now that I have had it's significance explained to me, I clearly see why this is the best design.

No no no, he's not a graphic designer, ideally Rii needs to tell you about the strength of the triangle and the modes of affluence the colours are contrived from.

Flag works because it is massively contemporary. It can't be linked to any previously established brand. The koru designs and fern designs where shit because every fucking Joe Fuck Face has some sort of koru pattern or fern in their NZ business logo, we're tired of seeing the same emblems being trotted out.

Also, I have no fucking clue about flag designing. It's an entirely different beast and has to please a nation, not a marketing board, despite what those fuck-holes at National think.

Intellectual Discussion / Re: THe Flag thread.
« on: September 23, 2015, 04:00:46 pm »
+1 for Red Peak.

+2 for scrapping the whole fucking thing.

Other Games / Re: GOW: Goddess of War
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:26:52 pm »
Fuck off, maggot.

Console / Re: Destiny
« on: September 23, 2015, 11:45:51 am »
The 3 of them spawn in either the Divide, Skywatch, and Rocketyard.

My bro is helping me out, but feel free to drop in on a Fire team whenever :)

Console / Re: Destiny
« on: September 23, 2015, 11:32:59 am »
I'm spending a lot of time on the Taken War quests. They're never ending FFS. Cool looking gun, however I fucking hate scout rifles.

I go for auto-rifiles and pulse rifles and occasionally a side arm.

I'm close to maxing out my discipline, and together with my Young Ahamkara's Spine (gauntlets) I can throw out a tripmine grenade every 30 seconds, or wait a minute and throw out 2 at a time.

Currently trying to complete the Taken War: Earth quests where I have to kill Irxori, Stirok and Darnu however Stirok is being a stubborn cunt and wont spawn unless you take down the 2 Taken captains that spawn prior to his arrival REALLY quickly.

Console / Destiny
« on: September 22, 2015, 10:53:20 am »
Who's playing?

I know ol' Jimmy Pisspot is playing (Clin).

I've got a Hunter (40) 256. I tend to favour the Golden Gun.

General Chat / Re: Manual arts and craft thread
« on: September 18, 2015, 11:22:35 am »
Post whatever you want. It probably came from Google image search anyway.

Intellectual Discussion / Re: fuck I love science
« on: September 18, 2015, 10:24:04 am »
Why is the sky blue?

Makes for an interesting conversation over a beer or two.

Instead of just belching out useless copy cat posts, howz about explaining the ins and outs of how gravity works. The molecular, sub molecular/atomic aspects, how it affects objects within it's area of influence. Michio Kaku is man enough to admin that science knows what gravity does, but doesn't know what it is, yet, you seem to out rank him in universal outstanding on every topic.

Just when I thought there was no hope for the universe, every googling expert here, seems to have the cosmos all mapped out, by way of belittling posts, and sarcastic quips.

There is a gap of light years between being taught how to learn, and being coached how to think. The level of sheer ignorance here, should be evidence enough we evolved from shit slinging apes.

Jesus, that was the easiest troll ever.

General Chat / Re: Manual arts and craft thread
« on: September 17, 2015, 04:58:29 pm »
Come back when there's an automatic arts and crafts thread.

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 15, 2015, 08:07:41 pm »
Xbox marketplace is notoriously inflated.

A lot of digital distributors try to palm off the higher than expected costs due to server hosting and the maintenance involved with said servers.

The recent 2.0 update (17GB) has pulled the game into a whole new light. (excuse the pun, guardians, light blah).

Most are saying that its felt like Destiny 1.0 has been an alpha all along and 2.0 is what the game should have been at release.

Wont be playing Taken King tomorrow, had car bills last week so have to wait till pay day :(

Just thought you guys might like to know I booted up Destiny yesterday, for the first time this year, and went from 20 to 32 in a few hours. How does that feel beby.

Also, is this expansion this week really $129? I know the store gouges but what's the deal there?

I've gotten back into Destiny. My bro plays it like a pro so he's been taking me through. If you're on Xbox One add me - Ngati Rii.

I had the same thing. Levelled from 29 to 34 in a couple of hours.

Also, The Taken King isn't $129. It's $75. The $129 you're looking at is the entire collection (core game plus 3 expansions). The Xbox marketplace is a cluster fuck of misinformation and ill categorised content.

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:41:40 pm »
just solder on a new gearbox, jeez

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:46:06 pm »
Should have gone for the "not changing gears properly".

Missed opportunities really grind my gears.

General Chat / Re: What grinds your gears?
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:20:33 pm »
Car bills :(

2 new tyres, wheel alignment and wheel balancing. Probably going to need 2 more rear tyres before it gets a warrant.

Le sigh...

Intellectual Discussion / Re: What happend to personal responsbility?
« on: September 11, 2015, 10:27:13 am »

Pure gold dildos here I come!

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