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Messages - Dota2NZ

Pages: [1]
DOTA 2 / Re: Dota2 Updates
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:25:20 pm »
Dear dota 2 players,

I have created a dota 2 community page on Facebook for Kiwi gamers. Search Dota 2 New Zealand on Facebook.

Regularly I will be posting interesting things on the page, updating news from professional teams and tournaments, and to provide a healthy Facebook community for the kiwi locals. In future when we reach a certain number of people, perhaps we can have fun together.

Dota 2 is not popular in New Zealand, however I believe it deserves more popularity. Please share and like if you can, therefore we can spread the page to your friends and families and build in numbers to have some fun.

Thanks guys.

From the local guy who created Dota 2 New Zealand Facebook community page.

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