sargent fenix was admin abusing me earlier today when he not only slayed me for killing him as a t for T baiting, but then he got rid of his own report and then when i accused him of admin abuse he slayed me again and then kicked me from the server with and i quote and i have the screenshot to prove -(calm down - go watch dora the explora and take your daddy issue somewhere else) not only is that admin abuse that is also insulting, and if your a moderator you shouldnt be insulting your community.
and again he killed me for saying that if he hit me with the crowbar i would kill him, and then a full minute later while he was almost hitting me in the face another detective, i was detective at the time, killed him, i did not call a KOS on him and i did not kill him, i didnt even damage him, and then he gave me a slay for no reason, and yes i also have a screenshot of this to prove it.