Big breakfast from The Good Life for me, normally i would just ignore the sausage but theirs is AWESOME!Also an iced chocolate with heaps of ice cream. Would recommend to others.
i had kinda hope speakman had died, what a pity
ballsfarking quiet day for me at work
and where to get a torque wrench and the correct fastening / loosening order.
I think I might pop down to Christchurch this summer, as long as the earthquakes have settle down.
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims=-" %%i in ('dir /b /a *.avi *.mkv') do (FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=x" %%f in ("%%j") do (SET tpath=%%iSET season=Season%%f)@echo %%i-%%j-%%kIF NOT EXIST D:\TV\"%tpath:~0,-1%"\"%season%" (md D:\TV\"%tpath:~0,-1%"\"%season%")MOVE /-Y "%%i-%%j-%%k" D:\TV\"%tpath:~0,-1%"\"%season%")pause
mmmmmm........Tuesday. 7:30pm. TV3. Target. Compares earphones.Either I'm gonna cry or be pleasantly surprised. Currently leaning towards the first one.
Yes to torque. Powerbuilt micrometer does 2.8Kg-m to 20.7 Kg-m whatever that means. Have never used it.Will that do what you need?
This is my five year anniversary at this forum.
Quote from: Menial;1316625This is my five year anniversary at this forum.time to steal the cake.
^epicJust drove eight and a half hours from streaky bay and have arrived in sporkland (also known as Adelaide).